Foi uma excelente oportunidade de estar em contato com a natureza e trocar experiências com pessoas de diferentes lugares do Brasil. O hostel é incrível, todo o staff foi sensacional e a ação de limpeza na praia foi uma ótima chance de expandir minha consciência ambiental. Foi tudo perfeito e já quero voltar.
Academy certificates
Non-violent communication: resolving conflicts
Portuguese version
Concluded the course "Nonviolent communication: resolving conflicts and dealing with challenging situations" in which learned how to solve challenging and conflict situations through healthy and empathic communication.
How to become an outstanding Worldpacker
Portuguese version
This course is designed to help volunteers prepare for Worldpackers' experiences, including creating a complete traveler profile and sending great applications, sharing feedback with hosts, and other best practices for successful exchanges and your project's growth!
Community contributions
How the traveler helps the Worldpackers community besides volunteering.