
  • Age: 35
  • Nationality: Brazil
  • Languages: Portuguese, Spanish, and English

Volunteer experiences

Experience in Brazil

Guest House Maresias, Brazil Apr/2018

Social Work

Host didn’t write a review
Review written by Allan

Desde o começo o Diego, Eric e Rasta nos receberam muito bem e fizeram de tudo para que nossa experiência fosse a mais irada possível! Não tenho palavras para descrever como me senti bem fazendo um trabalho desse tipo, limpando parte das praias que visito desde pequeno. Conseguimos juntar 4 sacões de lixo e ainda conhecemos praias e trilhas surreais de lindas. O melhor de tudo foi o grupo de worldpackers reunido nessa missão. Galera gente boa demais e todos unidos pelo mesmo propósito. Cara, não vejo a hora de participar dos próximos! Valeu família Worldpackers!

Experience in Brazil

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil May/2016

Reception, Cleaning, and Housekeeping

Host didn’t write a review
Review written by Allan

Even being a member of the crazy Worldpackers Team, this one-week stay at the host as a Worldpacker made me realize that it's not about the time you stay or even the destination you choose to go. It's about the experience you have, the people you meet and your willing to get the best out of each moment. 1 million thanks to all Worldpackers at #CorcovadoRioHostel who made my stay unforgettable - and helped me improving my Spanish. Yeah! High fives to Guilherme, the legendary host who opened his hostel's doors for me. the host got a family thing going on over there! Can't wait to go back :)

Academy certificates

How to create a travel business in Instagram

Portuguese version

He/She completed the Worldpackers Instagram certificate where he/she learned how to create, manage, and grow a travel Instagram.

How to become an outstanding Worldpacker

This course is designed to help volunteers prepare for Worldpackers' experiences, including creating a complete traveler profile and sending great applications, sharing feedback with hosts, and other best practices for successful exchanges and your project's growth!

Community contributions

How the traveler helps the Worldpackers community besides volunteering.


Producing educational videos for the Academy

Articles written as Blogger

View all

¿Qué es lo que los viajeros están buscando post-pandemia?

  • 6min

What are travelers looking for after the pandemic?

  • 5min

Videos made for the Academy

View all

Ferramentas de SEO

  • 9min

O que é e como funciona o SEO

  • 10min


  • Portuguese
  • English
  • Spanish


I'm an expert!
  • Administration
  • Cleaning
  • Content Writer
  • Party Promoter
  • Social Media
  • Social Work
  • Teaching Sports
  • Tour Guide
Some experience
  • Arts
  • Bartending
  • Cooking
  • Building & Repairing
  • Housekeeping
  • Kitchen Hand
  • Music
  • Painting & Decorating
  • Photography
  • Reception
  • Teaching Languages
  • Video Making
I want to learn it
  • Animal Care
  • Child Care
  • Farming
  • Gardening
  • Night Shift

About me as an author


Autor do livro Eudaimonia, palavra grega que significa "realização", viajou por 2 anos seguidos antes de participar da equipe fundadora da Worldpackers onde atua há 4 anos como Diretor de Conteúdo e SEO.



• Mostly by traveling: making new friends, immersing in new cultures, learning new languages, sharing inspiring stories. Self-knowledge (It made possible get to know who I really am), Mindfulness and Consciousness.

• Book eater. Literally.

• "Traditional Stuff": Honors degree in Business Administration with Marketing specialization from ESPM (University of Advertisement and Marketing) in Sao Paulo, Brazil; APC (Sydney, Australia): Certificate II and III in Business Management; Kaplan International Colleges (Sydney, Australia) English for Business at Advanced Level;

Work experience

• Ago/14 until now: Worldpackers founding team member

• Waiter, Kitchen Hand, Plumber, Construction Laborer, Christmas Tree Builder (I mean it) in Sydney, Australia.

• Marketing and Sales analyst at ST Consultant in São Paulo. Brazil.

Travel experience

• Lived for 2 years in Australia (most of the time in a collaborative house), backpacking for 6 months through the Land Down Under, New Zealand, Fiji, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos & Cambodia.

• Brazil is my favorite country in the world!

• South America: Argentina, Peru, Chile, Bolivia.

• Europe: Portugal and Germany.