
  • Edad: 29
  • Nacionalidad: Brasil
  • Idiomas: Holandés, Portugués, Español y Inglés

Experiencias de voluntariado

Experiencia en España

Granja Santa Cruz de Tenerife, España Jul/2022

Producción de Videos y Redes Sociales

Reseña hecha por el anfitrión

We love having Camilla here and are so happy that she extended her stay with us. Her video and passion for videos is amazing! Great skills which she is always trying to hard to continue improving. (even though they are already great) Fits very well in the community with a friendly and lovely personality.

  • Redes Sociales
  • Producción de Videos
  • Proactividad
  • Flexibilidad
  • Socialización
  • Comunicación
  • Responsabilidad
  • Compromiso
  • Holandés
  • Inglés
  • Portugués
  • Español

Reseña hecha por Camila

What an amazing place, what they are doing here is awesome and unbelievable. Giving a home to abandoned animals, giving them love and a second chance to have a dignified life. I had such an incredible time there, met friends, got healthier mentally and physically, learned a lot about sustainability, and definitely, found there a better version of myself. The place is perfect for reconnecting with nature and reminding you what really matters in life.

Experiencia en Portugal

Surf Camp Lisbon, Portugal Jun/2019

Fotografía y Producción de Videos

El anfitrión no hizo una reseña

Experiencia en Bélgica

Hostel Bruges, Bélgica Feb/2019

Mano de Cocina y Limpieza

Reseña hecha por el anfitrión

Awesome volunteer - always happy to socialise with other staff and working hard. Thanks for everything Camila!

Reseña hecha por Camila

I had a great experience the hostel. All the staff are amazing and made me feel at home. I enjoyed a lot the time that I was working there, and also the time that I spent the hostel bar! I chose very well the place for my first time as a volunteer and I don't have any doubts that I want to return someday! The city is cute, lovely and you can do everything on foot or by bike. If you are looking for a friendly place, to improve your languages and have fun, you should apply to this opportunity.

Certificados de la Academy

Cómo crear videos de calidad en TikTok y las mejores prácticas para crecer

Versión en Portugués

Completó el curso "Cómo crecer en TikTok: la plataforma para nuevas oportunidades" en el que aprendió nuevas estrategias para TikTok y cómo monetizar este canal.

Cómo facturar hasta mil dólares mensual con un producto digital

Versión en Portugués

Completó el curso "Cómo crear y lanzar un producto digital" en el que aprendió estrategias para lanzar un producto online y cómo crear credibilidad para que su audiencia genere ventas.

Contribuciones para la comunidad

Cómo el viajero colabora con la comunidad Worldpackers más allá del voluntariado.


Produciendo videos educativos de la Academy

Videos hechos para la Academy

Ver todo

Chega de teoria, vamos praticar juntos!

  • 11min

Introdução ao curso de fotografia e viagem

  • 3min


  • Portugués 1
  • Español 1
  • Inglés 1
  • Holandés 1


¡Soy un experto!
  • Redes Sociales 1
  • Producción de Videos 1
  • Fotografía
Algo de experiencia
  • Limpieza
  • Tareas Domésticas
  • Mano de Cocina
  • Pintura y Decoración
  • Promotor de Fiestas
Quiero aprender
  • Administración
  • Artes
  • Bartending
  • Cocina
  • Ayuda en Granjas Eco
  • Jardinería
  • Turno Nocturno
  • Recepción
  • Enseñanza de Idiomas
  • Enseñanza de Deportes
  • Guía Turístico

Sobre mí como autor

AGO! With Me

Camila Agostini de 26 anos, é do interior de Mato Grosso do Sul, designer por formação e fotógrafa por paixão! Já passou por 9 países e durante 6 meses viveu a experiência de trabalho voluntário na Bélgica, Holanda e por fim como fotógrafa em um Surf Camp em Portugal. Hoje mora na Bélgica trabalhando com turismo e como produtora de conteúdo freelancer (Foto e Vídeo).



My mother always made the possible to make me busy all the time, so I studied a lot of subjects, like music, tecnology, languages, sports...
When I went to the college of Product Design, I discouver that I love communication and not projecting. So I've decided to grow up as a graphic designer.

Experiencia laboral

I have been working since I was a child. For me, work is the art of help the people around us. With just 13, I got my first paid job as a graphic designer. After that, I worked in photography studios, print companies, until came across with marketing and communication of fashion brands.
Nowadays I work as a social media, as content producer (Photo and Video) and as a designer.

Experiencia de viaje

I really love to travel and I have a lot things to tell you. But the most impact experience of my life was the first time I traveled ALONE!
I had to went out of my comfort zone and with that I learn things that I'll carry with me forever!