
  • Edad: 35
  • Nacionalidad: Estados Unidos
  • Idiomas: Griego, Italiano, Alemán, Español, Portugués, Francés y Inglés

Viajando en pareja

Perfil conectado con Adrian

Experiencias de voluntariado

Ver todas (8)
Michael canceló una experiencia de última hora

Experiencia en Grecia

Hostel Athens, Grecia Oct/2019

Turno Nocturno, Limpieza, Tareas Domésticas y Recepción

El anfitrión no hizo una reseña

Experiencia en Grecia

Hotel Anavryti, Grecia Aug/2019

Mano de Cocina, Limpieza, Tareas Domésticas y Recepción

Reseña hecha por el anfitrión

Michael was very friendly and social person. We had some great talks during his stay, shared interests and more. Unfortunately, he didn't show any commitment for the position. He was leaving shifts, stopped his shift a couple of times in order to have a meal and never really committed. We had to ask for him to get back to his responsibilities more than once. He also announced us he would be leaving for a week, during his stay, as he had a planned trip and return afterwards. Overall a very nice guy but not a responsible volunteer.

  • Socialización
Michael respondió

Leo, I think this was unfair based on the fact that you were not there. You brought me to your parents home (whom I wasn't really able to communicate with) and you left the same day and never returned. I was always asking if they needed help, to which they told me “No! it’s ok,” until I asked so much that they started acting as though I was annoying them. There was no scheduled eating times, I ate when I was given food and told to eat. I never “ate in the middle of my shift” unless they told me to. Mary told me to be there at 7.30, to serve breakfast every morning, and at 20.00 for dinner. In the morning, George would tell me “It’s ok” and tell me to have coffee and sit, so that’s what I did. At dinner time, at 20.00 I was there, ready to serve the guests. Once the guests were sat down and settled, Mary would start making food for me, and then tell me to go eat. I would eat quickly and wait for 22.00 to start cleaning the plates. When she told me what to do, I did it. I did everything I was told to do, which wasn’t much. Most of the time I was standing there watching. That’s why I decided to leave because it didn’t seem like they needed me anyways. And with two new volunteers on the way, it really seemed like there would be too many people trying to figure out something to do. I was always trying to be helpful.

Reseña hecha por Michael

Great people, smallthe hotel with a lot of love

Experiencia en Croacia

Hostel Zagreb, Croacia Jul/2019

Turno Nocturno y Recepción

Reseña hecha por el anfitrión

For the time Michael was in the hostel he was amazing.

  • Responsabilidad
  • Socialización
  • Proactividad
  • Compromiso

Reseña hecha por Michael

The hostel itself wasn't very terrible. There were some obvious issues, but nothing insurmountable. No hard feelings, I wish them the best.

Certificados de la Academy

Cómo ser un Worldpacker increíble

Versión en Inglés

Este curso fue creado para preparar voluntarios para experiencias Worldpackers en general, con información sobre cómo tener un perfil de viajero completo, cómo enviar buenas aplicaciones, cómo compartir feedback con anfitriones y otras buenas prácticas para el éxito de los intercambios y de tu proyecto!


  • Inglés
  • Portugués
  • Griego
  • Italiano
  • Alemán
  • Español
  • Francés


¡Soy un experto!
  • Administración
  • Bartending
  • Limpieza
  • Escritor de contenido
  • Tareas Domésticas
  • Turno Nocturno
  • Recepción
  • Redes Sociales
Algo de experiencia
  • Artes
  • Cocina
  • Jardinería
  • Construcción y Reparación
  • Mano de Cocina
  • Música
  • Pintura y Decoración
  • Trabajo Social
  • Enseñanza de Idiomas
  • Producción de Videos
  • Desarrollador Web
Quiero aprender
  • Ayuda en Granjas Eco
  • Promotor de Fiestas
  • Fotografía
  • Guía Turístico

Sobre mí como autor

Hi Worldpackers! I am 30 years old from Texas, and I have spent the past 3 years traveling the world as a volunteer and backpacker. In 2016, I traveled through India, Sri Lanka, and UK, and since December 2017 I have traveled most parts of Europe. I am currently based in Athens, Greece.

Redes sociales



I went to school for Network and Computer Systems Administration at University of San Diego - California.

Experiencia laboral

For the past two years, I have worked as an entrepreneur.

Experiencia de viaje

I traveled through India for a month, volunteered for Meth Sewa Fondation (Stop Staring, Start Caring) and traveled through Sri Lanka for a month, and I lived and volunteered in London for two months. Since December 2017, I have been backpacking through Europe