Fellowship for Perpetual Growth, Hawai'i

Our project is a vegan permaculture and animal rescue non-profit, established in Mountain View, Hawai'i, in 2017. We have rescued dozens of pasture animals from the 2018 lava flow and Big Island Dairy closure. We also have a couple of gardens and fruit trees all over the property, which are beginning to produce. Our mission is to teach food independence and treat animals with love and respect, without the intention of commercial exploitation.

There is a calming energy to the sanctuary that people remark on when they arrive. You are surrounded by nature, yet there is still good access to town for supplies.

The staff and volunteers operate on a foundation of respect: Respect for the land, respect for the vegetation, respect for the animals, and respect for the everyone who keeps the sanctuary running. We require a minimum 4-week commitment from the volunteers. Please note that the map on this page does not take you to our location. We are located in Mountain View, Hawai'i (not Mountain View, California).

Perfecto para ti si estás buscando


Contacto con la naturaleza

Vegetariano / Vegano


Contacto con los animales
