Kalgin Island

Come for a month to experience traditional Alaskan living on remote Kalgin Island which is 25 miles away from Kenai City by boat. There are no roads or stores on Kalgin Island, and you will be staying in a cabin overlooking the beach where a salmon stream flows into cook Inlet.
Eagles, seabirds, ravens, and foxes frequent to Creek's mouth to feed, but there are no bears on Kalgin island. Because our wild friends rely on the creek, we cannot invite people who are traveling with dogs.

You could learn how to fillet and smoke salmon and make caviar and collagen rich broths. And how to collect a herbal teas and seaweeds and to learn to work in a cold climate garden.

Visiting opportunities range from May to September.
In May and September there are opportunities to learn construction and gardening.
In June, July, and August there are opportunities to experience commercial gill net salmon fishing and preparing fish.

Living conditions are rugged but comfortable; outhouses are involved, and for bathing we use a wood fired sauna. Some people like to alternate between the sauna heat and plunging into the cold creek.

You will live in a small cabin overlooking the beach and share meals in the main cabin. There are 4 cabins on our property, 2 of them are usually for occasional paying guests, and 1 cabin is dedicated to World-packer visitors. Everyone shares meals together in the main cabin.

We don't have wifi; connection to the internet is available via phone down the beach or up the hill, but not in the cabins.

For the experience on our island you need to be in a good physical condition. At times a commercial fishing day can involve long hours, if you choose to do that, but they are only two days a week.

On other days you will have a lot of time for relaxing, for artistic endeavors, reading, writing, painting, photography, fishing and hiking. We are especially keen to have visitors who have digital story-telling skills and would like to share our natural sustainable lifestyle to the world.

If you want to know what it is like to be on isolated wilderness beach camp designed for self-reliance, this is it.

We are all here to commune and enjoy nature and each other.

We hope to encourage experiences that build deep personal ties between people from all backgrounds connected through working and learning together in a natural setting.

Welcome to Kalgin Island!

Kalgin Island is where I have built my personal Galt's Gulch. It is a kind of commune that is base on individual freedom, that includes David and Daiva, World-packer visitors, paying guests, and nature's residents. There is some business activity to keep the place going, some commercial fishing, and a few paying guests. At times is as goofy as Giligan's island. The main pursuit is to inspire and enrich each other's life. Even though in Alaska marijuana is legal and if you want to use it (or any other mind altering substances) our place is not a good choice.


(5 reseñas)5

Anfitrión y equipo


Horas y tareas




Aprendizaje y diversión




David sem duvida foi um excelente anfitrião! Ele tem muito amor pela ilha onde vive, pelos animais, seu trabalho e por receber pessoas de diferentes culturas para ajudar no dia a dia. Tivemos um experiência única e marcante em nossas vidas. Pescamos muitos salmões, aprendemos a limpar peixe, defumar, colher plantas para chá, blueberry. A ilha é um paraíso, com muitos animais, imersão a natureza e barracas individuais. Tivemos inserção com a família dos vizinhos e inclusive participamos de festa de aniversário. Muito obrigado por nos receber e por proporcionar uma imersão completa David!

hace 6 meses



If you are looking for something different, this is the place to go, the island is beautiful and you can learn so many new things. Be open minded and you will enjoy every moment.

hace 6 meses



Amazing hosts & experience🫶
I dont have words to write all the incredible things I lived at Kalgin’s
Firstly it is a place for disconnect.
Secondly, David is a “life coach”. I even have my notes called “David quotes”.
I think that I had espiritual moments with all the views, the sounds, the fauna.🌲
David really apreciate the work that worldpackers do at the cabin!!
What I can say is that part of my soul stayed at the Island!🥰
I would recommend this experience for everyone who really appreciate nature and landscapes.🏔
The foxes are just incredible 🦊WP should aloud more words for reviews!!

hace más de 2 años

Estados Unidos


I had so much good things to say but unfortunately World Packers only allows 600 characters... 🙁

On my trip the hosts went well above and beyond to make sure my needs were met. 😁 They were very kind, bought a packer a phone because his broke, and are even letting us borrow their town vehicle for a few days while they go back to the island! 🏡 🏝

Overall, I made great friends and had a blast along the way, with amazing experiences with the hosts guiding the way. 🎒

Be determined to have a good time, work hard, communicate with the hosts, and everyone will have a great time. 😎

hace más de 3 años

Estados Unidos


Kalgin island is magical, it’s truly a unique experience. There are eagles every morning and a fox to feed by hand. A sauna that gets super toasty and a cold creek within a couple feet to cool off in. The food chef Daiva prepared is a delicacy. I learned so much about healthy eating and why I felt exhausted all the time before I got there. Fishing on the boat is real work but it’s only two days a week and they are extremely understanding of the fact that most travelers have never fished in the ocean with nets. They offer plenty of ways to help besides fishing, I recommend to everyone.

hace más de 3 años

Perfecto para ti si estás buscando


Contacto con la naturaleza



Zona salvaje
