Manga Verde Beach

We live on the paradise Island of Itamaraca, North East Brazil.
We are a small family from Belgium-Madagascar that have travelled in each one of the 193 countries of the world, volunteering in more than 500 schools for 10 years. Now we found our paradise here in Itamaraca. It is our turn to welcome volunteers and exchange with them.
You will have either one small room in my house.

Itamaraca is a tropical island in NE Brazil, an hour’s drive from Recife International Airport, with a long road bridge connecting it to the mainland. Most of the island comprises protected forests, but on the ocean side are miles of long white sandy beaches. All kind of beach and watersport activities are available on the island. It is also a kitesurf prime spot. But it is not crowded and mostly peaceful and tranquil (except for carnaval and local holidays). There are pristine natural pools about 3 km from the shore which you can access either with a kayak tour or by boat. There is a very nice trail, leading to a pittoresque village and panoramic spot. As you would see, Itamaraca is a very easy going and peaceful place that most people fall in love with. However, dont expect nightclubs there, but it is still possible to have fun or share a drink out.

Anfitrión Top
Este anfitrión recibe muchos worldpackers y tiene una evaluación media alta.


(70 reseñas)70

Anfitrión y equipo


Horas y tareas




Aprendizaje y diversión




Staying with Stephanie and helping her on Manga Verde was an incredible enriching experience. Definitely a highly recommended option if it’s your first time volunteering like us. The location was perfect to get in touch with Brazilian nature and their people.
Near to Recife city which offers you a huge culture variety and activities.

hace 9 días

Reino Unido


Super friendly and welcoming host and we especially loved the three dogs :) The accommodation was nice and the work was relaxed. Would highly recommend :)

hace 10 días



Compartir esta experiencia con Stephanie ha sido una de las mejores decisiones que pude tomar, ya que nos hizo sentir muy cómodos, su trato fue muy amigable y respetuoso.
Recomiendo abiertamente que tomen esta opción, especialmente si és tu primera vez en un voluntariado.

hace 13 días



Meus dias no Manga beach superaram todas as minhas expectativas,logo que cheguei ja fui muito bem recebido pela anfitriã Stephanie,seu filho Lenny e pelas cachorrinhas que são umas fofuras. Amei cada momento em que estive com essa família incrivel,fui muito bem tratado e eles me deixaram a vontade na casa deles,fiquei em um quarto super confortavel,cama muito boa,ventilador e espaço para guardar minhas coisas. A cozinha é super bem equipada e me sentia muito a vontade para fazer minhas refeiçoes,me senti em casa❤️.
O trabalho é detalhado mas não é dificil,aprendi muita coisa,agradeço muito🙌🏾🫶🏾

hace 2 meses



Trabalhar com a Stephanie foi uma experiência maravilhosa. Ela é muito criteriosa quanto a limpeza. Aprendi muito. Ao mesmo tempo, a forma de comunicação dela é perfeita: assertiva e carinhosa. Ela é uma pessoa muito generosa.
A "pousada" é um lugar lindo, de frente a praia. E, nós, voluntários temos acesso livre. Eu nadei lá várias vezes. E, mais ainda, fiz de lá meu "home office".

hace 2 meses

Perfecto para ti si estás buscando


Contacto con la naturaleza


Contacto con los animales

