Hands needed at organic farm in Coachella Valley
La experiencia
At our farm we grow 6 varieties of dates, and we also have young plantings of mango, temple orange and Jamaican plums, so we need help with picking then. Job depends upon the season of the year. Date harvest in summer, pollination of dates in winter, irrigation year-round, cleaning the pools year-round, weeding in winter and spring, pruning year-round, access road rocks 3 seasons of the year...
Que ofreces?
3 horas de ayuda por día
Ayuda en Granjas Eco:
Siembra, cosecha y ayuda con tareas del campo.
Lo que obtienes
2 dias libres por semana
Habitación privada:
Tendrás una cama en un cuarto privado. Sí, un cuarto solo para ti.
Tienes derecho a desayunos gratis cada día de tu estadía.
Tienes derecho a almuerzos gratis cada día de tu estadía.
Tienes derecho a cenas gratis cada día de tu estadía.
Puedes usar libremente nuestra lavandería.:
Hay un lugar especial donde se lava la ropa sin costo.
Excursiones gratis:
Te llevamos a excursiones y caminatas por la ciudad, GRATIS.
Te buscaremos cuando llegues y te llevamos a nuestro lugar.
Internet Básica:
Internet de velocidad básica para trabajar remotamente
Inglés Principiante
Entre 18 y 80 años
Admite voluntarios solos, parejas y dúos de voluntarios
Lo que no está incluído
Vuelos, Seguro de Viaje, Transporte Interno y Visa
Programa detallado
Tasks include: irrigation, pruning, picking, fertilizing, pollination, clean-up, compost, trenching, house cleaning, road repair. We clean our soaking pools regularly and the farm could use someone with adequate videography and editing skills. We also like to connect with folks who know how to operate a sewing machine, so we can repair our date bags. Electricians and carpenters are appreciated.
This is an organic farm with a natural hot water source that flows out at 124 degrees (51c.) that we use for bathing and irrigation. Health oriented, no tobacco, alcohol or drugs, we are not close to public transportation, but we can fetch people at Greyhound in Indio or the Palm Springs airport with advance notice for either place.
We are 90 minutes from Joshua Tree and about the same to Anza Borrego, 35 minutes from Slab City and Salvation Mountain, 75 minutes to the sand dunes.
No tobacco, alcohol or drugs
no vapers or closet smokers.