Dogshelter Casa viva
This is the right place for people who is interersted in charity work and animal care. Dogs need a lot of care and love, also people to cook for them, clean their spaces, give food and shower, spend time with them, going for a walk and so on.
Duties require physical effort and empathy but the reward is 100% resturned by dogs love.
Other habilities we are interested on: photography, artwork in mural, grafitti and painting
We are an intercultural marriage we have a nice dog Shelter having currently around 60 dogs located in the mountain area of Peru (Carhuaz) altitute about 2700 m located 35 minutes from Huaraz. We started this project on November 2021 after many pets were abandonned due to pandemic crisis. This project is part of a private charity.
We also own a beautiful Eco Hotel, the income of hotel is destinated to cover dog shelter expenses. In hotel we grow trees and have small farm chickens, rabbits, sheeps, gueese and dogs ( they are only pet, we are vegetarian). Some areas of eco hotel are designated to host volunteers so is mandatory to keep order and cleanliness