Expand Perú Asociación civil sin Fines de Lucro

Expand Perú, es una organización peruana comprometida con proyectos de voluntariado internacional con más de 19 años de experiencia. Nuestra labor se enfoca en mejorar el nivel de vida de las poblaciones más necesitadas y vulnerables de las zonas rurales y urbanas marginales de los Andes centrales del Perú.
Nuestro principal objetivo es contribuir al desarrollo integral de personas en situación de pobreza y pobreza extrema y con riesgo social de manera responsable y de alto impacto brindando experiencias positivas y seguras, tanto a las comunidades beneficiarias como a los voluntarios.
Nos comprometemos con la responsabilidad social, ecológica y económica en la gestión de nuestros proyectos. Diseñamos nuestras intervenciones respetando el entorno social y natural de cada persona, valorando y preservando las culturas locales. Nuestras relaciones se basan en la armonía y respeto mutuo de las comunidades, voluntarios, coordinadores y beneficiarios
Expand Perú, se dedica a desarrollar, promover y ejecutar proyectos de ayuda en las zonas más vulnerables de los Andes centrales del Perú, a través del voluntariado. Buscamos mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas en riesgo social y vulnerables, y a la par, brindamos oportunidades de crecimiento personal y profesional para voluntarios de todo el mundo.
Perú es el hogar de personas amables y acogedoras, donde tendrás la oportunidad de sumergirte en su cultura, sumergirte en su cultura, aprender de sus tradiciones y compartir momentos inolvidables con las comunidades locales. Perú (Huancayo) ofrece una experiencia: Ayudar, disfrutar y aprender. Ven con una mente abierta y un corazón dispuesto a recibir y tendrás una experiencia maravillosa.
Expand Perú ofrece a los voluntarios: 1. Un Impacto Tangible, marcando la diferencia real en la vida de las personas, verás de primera mano como tu participación transforma comunidades y mejora la calidad de vida de quienes más lo necesitan. 2.Experiencia Enriquecedora, Conocerás una nueva cultura, aprenderás de las comunidades locales y desarrollarás habilidades valiosas para tu crecimiento personal y profesional. 3. Apoyo y Capacitación, contarás con un equipo dedicado que te brindará apoyo durante toda tu experiencia como voluntario. Te garantizamos que te sentirás respaldado en todo momento. 4. Flexibilidad y Adaptabilidad, adaptamos nuestros proyectos para que puedas participar de acuerdo a tus habilidades, intereses y disponibilidad, Ofrecemos diferentes roles y niveles de compromiso, brindándote la flexibilidad que necesitas para que contribuyas de la manera que más te convenga.
CARACTERÍSTICAS Y REQUISITOS: -Compromiso, debe estar comprometido con la misión y valores de Expand Perú, demostrando una voluntad firme de ayudar a las comunidades más necesitadas. -Empatía, debe tener la capacidad de ponerse en el lugar de los demás, comprendiendo y respetando las diferentes realidades y culturas que encontrará durante su experiencia. -Sensibilidad, es importante ser sensible a las necesidades emocionales y físicas de las personas a las que brinda ayuda, demostrando un enfoque respetuoso, compasivo y solidario en todo momento.
-Flexibilidad, debe estar dispuesto a adaptarse a diferentes situaciones y entornos cambiantes, con buena actitud y de mente abierta es fundamental para enfrentar los desafíos que puedan surgir durante el voluntariado.
-Habilidades Interpersonales, tener buenas habilidades de comunicación y capacidad para establecer relaciones positivas con la población de las comunidades locales, otros voluntarios y el equipo de Expand Perú.
-Profesionalismo, tener ética y profesionalismo en todo momento, manteniendo la confidencialidad y respetando las políticas de Expand Perú.
-Motivación y Pasión, Tener pasión por ayudar a los demás y estar motivado para marcar la diferencia en la vida de las personas que más lo necesitan; durante el proceso del voluntariado.
Expand Perú no depende de fondos económicos internacionales o nacionales ni de programas públicos. Autofinancia sus proyectos gracias al pago (Contribución) que realizan los voluntarios para su alojamiento y alimentación, gastos de luz, wifi, servicio de recojo a la terminal de buses y todo el asesoramiento que requiera el voluntario para una estancia confortable.
Esto permite que nuestro trabajo sea sostenido y sostenible, garantizando así una ayuda continua a las poblaciones más necesitadas.
Los gastos son de $150 USD por semana o $500 USD por mes por permanencia en la residencia de voluntarios y son de $750 USD por mes en una casa familiar con los beneficios anteriores más la alimentación completa.

Expand Perú te ofrece una experiencia transformadora, no solo tendrás la oportunidad de ayudar a las personas más necesitadas , sino también de vivir una aventura enriquecedora y transformadora. Aprenderás valiosas lecciones de vida de este hermoso país, que no solo ofrece una oportunidad única para brindar tu ayuda y marcar la diferencia, sino también para disfrutar y sumergirte en una cultura fascinante rodeada de fascinantes paisajes.
Buscamos personas apasionadas y comprometidas que desean marcar la diferencia en las personas que más lo necesitan.
Únete a nuestro equipo para brindar tu conocimiento, habilidades y corazón a las comunidades más vulnerables de Perú. A través de actividades educativas, médicas y sociales, generarás un impacto significativo en sus vidas. No necesitas ser un experto, lo más importante es tu disposición y tus ganas de ayudar.
Te proporcionamos las herramientas necesarias y te guiaremos a cada paso.

Únete a Expand Perú y descubre como tu ayuda puede marcar un impacto positivo y duradero.

Expand Perú is a Peruvian organization committed to international volunteer projects with more than 19 years of experience. Our work focuses on improving the standard of living of the most needy and vulnerable populations in the rural and marginal urban areas of the central Andes of Peru.
Our main objective is to contribute to the comprehensive development of people in situations of poverty and extreme poverty and at social risk in a responsible and high-impact manner, providing positive and safe experiences, both to the beneficiary communities and to the volunteers.
We are committed to social, ecological and economic responsibility in the management of our projects. We design our interventions respecting the social and natural environment of each person, valuing and preserving local cultures. Our relationships are based on harmony and mutual respect of communities, volunteers, coordinators and beneficiaries
Expand Perú is dedicated to developing, promoting and executing aid projects in the most vulnerable areas of the central Andes of Peru, through volunteering. We seek to improve the quality of life of people at social risk and vulnerable, and at the same time, we provide opportunities for personal and professional growth for volunteers from all over the world.
Peru is home to kind and welcoming people, where you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in their culture, learn from their traditions and share unforgettable moments with local communities. Peru (Huancayo) offers an experience: Help, enjoy and learn. Come with an open mind and a heart willing to receive and you will have a wonderful experience.
Expand Perú offers volunteers: 1. A Tangible Impact, making a real difference in people's lives, you will see first-hand how your participation transforms communities and improves the quality of life of those who need it most. 2.Enriching Experience, You will discover a new culture, learn from local communities and develop valuable skills for your personal and professional growth. 3. Support and Training, you will have a dedicated team that will support you throughout your volunteer experience. We guarantee that you will feel supported at all times. 4. Flexibility and Adaptability, we adapt our projects so that you can participate according to your skills, interests and availability. We offer different roles and levels of commitment, giving you the flexibility you need to contribute in the way that best suits you.
CHARACTERISTICS AND REQUIREMENTS: -Commitment, you must be committed to the mission and values ​​of Expand Perú, demonstrating a firm will to help the communities most in need. -Empathy, you must have the ability to put yourself in the shoes of others, understanding and respecting the different realities and cultures that you will encounter during your experience. -Sensitivity, it is important to be sensitive to the emotional and physical needs of the people you help, demonstrating a respectful, compassionate and supportive approach at all times.
-Flexibility, you must be willing to adapt to different situations and changing environments, with a good attitude and an open mind is essential to face the challenges that may arise during volunteering.
-Interpersonal Skills, have good communication skills and the ability to establish positive relationships with the population of local communities, other volunteers and the Expand Perú team.
-Professionalism, having ethics and professionalism at all times, maintaining confidentiality and respecting Expand Perú policies.
-Motivation and Passion, Have a passion for helping others and be motivated to make a difference in the lives of people who need it most; during the volunteering process.
Expand Perú does not depend on international or national economic funds or public programs. It self-finances its projects thanks to the payment (Contribution) made by volunteers for their accommodation and food, electricity costs, Wi-Fi, pick-up service at the bus terminal and all the advice that the volunteer requires for a comfortable stay.
This allows our work to be sustained and sustainable, thus guaranteeing continuous help to the populations most in need.
Expenses are $150 USD per week or $500 USD per month to stay in the volunteer residence and are $750 USD per month in a family home with the above benefits plus full meals.

Expand Perú offers you a transformative experience, not only will you have the opportunity to help the people most in need, but also to live an enriching and transformative adventure. You will learn valuable life lessons from this beautiful country, which not only offers a unique opportunity to help and make a difference, but also to enjoy and immerse yourself in a fascinating culture surrounded by fascinating landscapes.
We are looking for passionate and committed people who want to make a difference for the people who need it most.
Join our team to provide your knowledge, skills and heart to the most vulnerable communities in Peru. Through educational, medical and social activities, you will generate a significant impact on their lives. You don't need to be an expert, the most important thing is your willingness and your desire to help.
We provide you with the necessary tools and will guide you every step of the way.

Join Expand Perú and discover how your help can make a positive and lasting impact.

Expand Perú ofrece a los voluntarios: Impacto Tangible, marca una diferencia real en la vida de las personas, verás de primera mano como tu participación transforma comunidades enteras y mejora la calidad de quienes más lo necesitan. Experiencias enriquecedoras, te permitirá conocer una nueva cultura, aprender de las comunidades locales y desarrollar habilidades valiosas para tu crecimiento personal y profesional. Apoyo y capacitación, contarás con un equipo dedicado que te brindará apoyo durante toda tu experiencia como voluntario. Te garantizamos que te sentirás respaldado en todo momento. Flexibilidad y adaptabilidad, Adaptamos nuestros proyectos para que puedas participar de acuerdo con tus habilidades, intereses y disponibilidad. Ofrecemos diferentes roles y niveles de compromiso, brindándote la flexibilidad que necesitas para contribuir de la manera que más te convenga. Contamos con profesionales con mucha experiencia en las diferentes áreas de la organización. Trabajamos en beneficio de nuestra sociedad y cada uno de nosotros está comprometido desinteresadamente con lo objetivos de nuestra organización. Bernabé - Director : Tiene estudios de Administración de Empresas y Turismo, es el encargado de la administración, gestión y coordinación general de nuestra organización, de sus proyectos y programas. Es socio fundador y actual presidente de Expand Perú. Ingrid - Trabajadora Social: Asistente Social de profesión, ella entiende mejor que nadie la importancia de ayudar a otras personas, ha trabajado con niños en diferentes centros de asistencia y orfanatos, en nuestra organización está encargada de coordinar los proyectos y el trabajo de los voluntarios. Expand Perú offers volunteers: Tangible Impact, makes a real difference in people's lives, you will see first-hand how your participation transforms entire communities and improves the quality of those who need it most. Enriching experiences will allow you to discover a new culture, learn from local communities and develop valuable skills for your personal and professional growth. Support and training, you will have a dedicated team that will support you throughout your volunteer experience. We guarantee that you will feel supported at all times. Flexibility and adaptability, We adapt our projects so that you can participate according to your skills, interests and availability. We offer different roles and levels of commitment, giving you the flexibility you need to contribute in the way that suits you best. We have professionals with a lot of experience in different areas of the organization. We work for the benefit of our society and each of us is selflessly committed to the objectives of our organization. Bernabé - Director: He has studies in Business Administration and Tourism, he is in charge of the administration, management and general coordination of our organization, its projects and programs. He is a founding partner and current president of Expand Perú. Ingrid - Social Worker: Social Worker by profession, she understands better than anyone the importance of helping other people, she has worked with children in different assistance centers and orphanages, in our organization she is in charge of coordinating projects and the work of volunteers .

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My experience in Huancayo was shocking cause of the intense need for help which Expand Peru is trying to provide. If you’re very sensitive, like me, it will hurt your heart being there, but I still recommend this experience cause we learn that the world is sometimes way worse than our safe bubble at home and how we can contribute. This project made me realize so many things. Bernabé and Alvaro are very helpful with everything and you will have a beautiful time. The only thing I’d change is the fee, cause most volunteers don’t work, for example by finding other donations supporting the cause:)

3 months ago



I highly recommend this volunteer experience for anyone looking to make a positive impact in a community in need. I worked on three projects: assisting children with homework, providing support and activities for the elderly, and developing physical activities for adolescent mothers, always with help from a permanent volunteer. And the NGO, led by Bernabe, provided valuable support and cultural immersion. However, I suggest reconsidering the $150 fee, as food and transport are extra costs, and clarifying in the ad that there are no private rooms and that volunteers work not only with children.

3 months ago

United Kingdom


We spent 2 weeks working with the elderly and at a children's after school club. It was amazing and a completely unforgettable experience.

3 months ago

United Kingdom


Such a wonderful way to spend our last 2 weeks in Peru by connecting with the people that live here and experiencing what life is like in Huancayo. We are so grateful for the opportunity. The children and the elderly people that we spent time with were an inspiration to us and we felt they really appreciated us contributing time and energy to the programmes. Bernabe and Ingrid were fantastic, welcoming and helpful at every single moment. The volunteers' apartment is well equipped, comfortable and in a very safe area. We loved meeting the other volunteers during our stay too.

3 months ago



I had a fantastic experience with Expand and would definitely recommend. The kids are full of love and excited to learn, creating a wholesome and fulfilling experience. In the morning you assist with a separate chosen program (eg the young mothers), allowing for flexibility. Ingrid, Bernabe, Alvero, and Ian are lovely and very welcoming. Would recommend basic Spanish, but it is doable with near no Spanish (you have to be ready to learn quickly). I would l recommend this for anyone looking to give back and assist underprivileged sects of society with a grassroots locally-based organisation.

4 months ago

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