Rascarey Sea Turtle and Environmental Conservation Project

Somos un proyecto apasionado por la conservación y el bienestar del medio ambiente, ubicados en la zona de mayor biodiversidad de Costa rica y el 2,5% de la diversidad biológica en el mundo. Por esta razón ser parte de nuestro proyecto es fundamental para combatir las problemáticas que impactan el ecosistema. Nuestro enfoque es crear una consciencia a las comunidades sobre la protección de las especies, conectando a las personas con la naturaleza, aprendiendo a vivir de una forma mas sostenible y amigable con el ambiente, tenemos la seguridad de que este lugar aparte de mágico y energético tiene una misión clara.

Rascarey fue fundado en el 2020, Ceo, Esteban Valdes Perez. Este proyecto se dedica a la conservación de las tortugas marinas y el medio ambiente, somos un proyecto no gubernamental, Estamos en las fases iniciales de nuestro proyecto y tenemos un largo camino por recorrer, Nuestra misión es inspirar a las personas a hacer un cambio de estilo de vida para ser más sostenibles y conscientes y poder compartir la experiencia de conectar plenamente con ustedes mismos y con la naturaleza mientras están aquí en los programas de inmersión". Todo lo que esperamos es que nuestra dedicación al proyecto pueda tener un impacto real en las tasas decrecientes de las tortugas marinas, así como en la regeneración de nuestra Tierra. Nuestro equipo de trabajo es local, con arduo conocimiento de la zona y las actividades de conservación, dedicados y sumergidos en este mundo. Acostumbrados a convivir en comunidad y compartir experiencias cada día. Los voluntarios serán nuestra familia antes, durante y después de su experiencia con Rascarey y su staff.


(9 reviews)9

Staff & Host


Hours & Tasks




Learning & Fun




It was my first worldpackers experience, and it was amazing. The place where the camp is, is incredible, between the ocean and the jungle.
I learned a lot of things. The work is not very complicated and there is a lot of free time.
The best moments where when we released the baby turtles into the ocean. And i would never forget the moment i saw a turtle laying eggs, it was magical.

about 1 year ago

United Kingdom


This was my first ever solo travel experience and an experience I will never forget. I came all the way from the UK to Costa Rica, when arriving in Costa Rica my luggage was “delayed/lost” with no confirmation of when this will arrive. Esteban at Rascarey was ever so kind and thoughtful towards my situation. I want to give a huge thank you to Esteban for being the best host and allowing me to connect with the nesting, hatching, birthing of the sea turtles. My favourite part of the experience was when the turtles had hatched and we let them go into the ocean and watched them on their journey.

over 1 year ago



The foundation of this experience was great - working with sea turtles, living in an environmentally conscious way, and living a slower pace of live. I struggled a bit fully settling into the role due to discrepancies between the information on worldpackers, the info I was given ahead of time, and what was actually expected when I got there. The host was distant and didn’t seem all that engaged with the work we had to do, luckily the other volunteers were more than welcoming and helped show me around. I would recommend going in with no expectations to get the most out of the experience!

about 2 years ago

Esteban replied

tendre que hablar sobre ti tambien, una persona anti social, sin motivacion y sin interes, habian 4 personas mas en ese momento se noto mucho cuando llegaste,tyra fua una voluntaria que estuvo dos meses y yo fui la personas que la capacite para que ella tomara la responsabilidad ya que estaria dos meses podria ayudarme con esto, asi que lo que estas diciendo es falso, la persona que no tenia motivacion eres tu, porque el resto todos trabajamos con una sonrrisa en la cara, menos tu, lamento que este lugar no fue para ti,,...

United States


If you are seeking an experience to be fully immersed in the local culture and nature, then this is a great opportunity to do so. However, it is important to know that this experience is true rural living, so the accommodations are basic. For me however, that just added to the charm. Working with the turtles was amazing, and I enjoyed the projects around the house too. The activities depend on the time of the year that you are going, so look into the season ahead of time to know what to expect.

about 2 years ago

United States


This project is at the most beautiful location you could think of. You are right by the beach and in a very secluded part of Costa Rica. This was the perfect time to go because I was able to see the whole process with the turtles. It was a very magical experience. Now the host..I feel as though this project has passed it’s prime. The photos that are shown are a couple years old when the other co-founder was still a part of the project. I believe she ran this project much better and was more organized/professional. The host now can be rude and is unsocial. Also the fee is $35/day not $10.

over 2 years ago

Esteban replied

Thank you for sharing your point of view about the project and the coordinator, about the daily commission we are very clear when we send you the information packet, you, like all those who have come, have agreed to pay the daily commission, so I do not see the reason why he mentions it if you agree to come to the project with that rate, you are not forced to accept, the other thing is that the coordinator is very direct and especially when people try to lie to his face as he has done, you did not want to work and you simply lied to not do it and justify your fault, for this reason, knowing what you were doing, you have been told the truth up front, if you call that rude, then that's how it is, but you must be more sincere as you do it by this means and not leave without saying goodbye

Perfect for you if you're looking for

Contact with nature

Vegetarian / Vegan

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Yoga / Meditation