Save Omwana Africa

We are a non-profit organization registered in Uganda that works to help and support orphans and widows in the community of Lugazi. Our goal is to provide them anything they need, to empower them so they can have hope to keep dreaming and never give up for their future.

Volunteers mainly take care of the children when they are not at school, sharing with them moments of learning and leisure, organizing recreational activities, helping them with homework and lessons, and playing with them.

To improve children's literacy, we encourage them to take English lessons/activities so that they can become more confident in using English.

Volunteer commitment and benefits:
Volunteers undertake to work at least 4 hours a day, organising extracurricular activities for children and/or contributing to the maintenance of the centre.

Requirements for volunteering:
Willingness to help and support children and other community members. Everyone is welcome!

Volunteers can also provide support for the implementation of the programmes we run: >> Education and Training: We seek funding to give every child the opportunity to go to school and receive medical care. We also do mentoring activities to encourage children to become agents of positive change in their community. Adult education and teaching English: We teach young people and widows who have not finished school to read and write. Lessons are free. >> Agricultural development and chicken breeding: With this initiative, we want to be able to produce food for those who need it. It also serves as a demonstration space for people in the community to learn better breeding and farming techniques. If we could mechanize these processes, we would be able to feed all our beneficiaries only with our products, and also create jobs. >> Empowerment programs for women and widows: we teach women techniques for the handicraft production of different artifacts (for sale). >> Youth empowerment programs: We offer lessons and seminars to motivate young people to be positive agents of change in their communities. We help them to develop new skills and put them into practice, to become economically independent one day and out of the vicious circle of poverty. >> Development and maintenance of homes for abandoned children, elderly women and widows: through collaboration with local and international volunteers (student groups, missions and other non-profit organizations), SOA is committed to improving living conditions in communities by building homes for orphans, elderly women and widows.

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