Thabarwa Nature Centre EU
Website :
Instagram: @thabarwanaturecentre
We will prioritize the candidates with previous experience as volunteers, who speak Italian or English, have motivation and sense of responsibility, who love nature and are willing to help people in need.
Thabarwa is one of 100 International Centres of Meditation and Solidarity spread throughout Asia, Europe and North America, founded by the Burman Monk Sayadaw Ashin Ottamathara. Here, all kinds of people, including the ones in difficulty (homeless people, single parents, people with addiction problems, mental and physical issues, etc.), find refuge and hospitality for free, in a climate of total openness, respect and joy.
We live together as a community where everyone participate and help each other out on daily chores and multiple other tasks. We usually work in the morning period (until lunch), doing household, organizing common spaces, cooking, working in the garden, cutting wood and grass, building and repairing, keeping the surrounding areas clean and working on ongoing projects.
We also organize events, such as retreats, dinners and courses.
However, apart from the basic structure of the volunteering experience, the routine is dynamic and almost every new suggestion is welcome to be put into practice. We've had people teaching languages, translating informal and important meetings, helping kids with homework, driving hosts around, or even taking the initiative to set a whole new biological garden.
Finally, Meditation is what united us in the first place, so here you have the possibility to practice it on your own in a meditation room or in the forest, or the Vipassana modality in a small group, in the morning and/or afternoon sessions. The President of this Italian Unity has more than 20 years of experience and enough research to help you out if this is the direction of your journey.
The accommodation will be in shared rooms with 2/3/4 beds, and with shared bathrooms. There is a male and a female area. We offer blankets, pillows, sheets, pillowcases and towels. Guests have access to a washing machine to weekly wash personal clothes and bed linen. Three meals are served during the day: 7:00 breakfast, 12.00 lunch, 17.30 snack (a light dinner).
We are a big joyful family waiting for you to travel (specially inwards) into this experience.
Each volunteer is covered by insurance for themselves and third parties. This insurance is compulsory and costs 35 euros.
We ask each volunteer to contribute 20 euros to this cost.
The insurance lasts 1 year from the moment it is taken out
Our center is open to everyone! We welcome people from every culture, religion, age and abilities and we encourage diversity. Everyone can contribute in their own way and with their own skills and gifts.
We are a big open family, with our similarities and differences. We will respect you for who you are and we expect you to do the same with all of us!