Bara replied
When guests choose to not to communicate or improve their situation, and then complain after a stay, it is a disappointment to hosts.
Pragmatically, it reflects negatively in our 'rating' rather than on the guests inability to express themselves, respond to questions about how things are going, or to speak up/advocate and improve their situation.
I’m only learning now, that despite their sunny disposition, Tim and Amber did not have an ideal experience. This could have been fully and totally rectified if they had agency. As a host, I’m conscientious about checking in constantly about my guest’s experience, as I want my visitors to enjoy themselves and have a positive time.
I’ll say the following about their points:
- You can only do so much social media in 5 working days, the duration of ‘time’ they were here 'volunteering.’ The TikTok blueprint they created for me is great! Yet, Amber proposed I pay them to maintain my social media beyond their stay, and I only wanted in-house work in exchange for their room/board.
Leading with 'paying us when we leave' is not great form, especially before 'showing' what you are capable of.
- There should have been NO surprises based on my informing Amber and Tim, as I do ALL the potential visitors (in the initial interview, the welcome guide, the write up here, and again upon arrival) that when staying here, they would ALSO likely clean/organize, walk dogs, and most importantly, it would be expected that they clean up after themselves (ie. making sure they do their own dishes, clean countertops where they eat, etc..)
- People with dog experience have not have issues with the dogs here. The dogs are actually trained, but they are rescues, and foster-dogs, so they have some quirks that are easy to deal with on walks. Yes big. Yes strong. Read the other write ups below.
I'll have to vet people's experience a lot better. Lesson learned.
- If I knew they were so challenged with the dogs, I or the other volunteer in the house could have walked them.
He did so before, he would again. Happily. Zero communication about it being a problem.
I think it comes down to Tim and Amber being a very sweet and endearing couple who would benefit from having better communication and adulting. Lack of personal agency can result, as it did here, in a sub par experience. Which frankly sucks and is unfortunate for everyone involved. I’m truly sorry they weren’t fully satisfied as it's a gorgeous place, lots of flexibility and a chill place to land!