Eco Village Ubatuba, Brazil

(19 reviews)19

Cuidados de casa terapêutica - Vegan!

Help a sustainable project
5 travelers confirmed that this host is actively contributing to a more sustainable future for everyone!
Higher chance of approval
This host has recently approved volunteers and is looking for more applications.
Connect with nature
10 travelers recommend this experience for reconnecting with nature
Connect with the locals
9 travelers recommend this host to have close contact with locals
Accepts couples and pairs of volunteers
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What you offer


Hours per day
Help out and collaborate with your host only a few hours per week.
Help clean the kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms and common areas.
Painting & Decorating
Help with painting or decorating the property facilities.
Help with changing the bed linens and general housekeeping.
Choose the menu, pick ingredients and cook delicious dishes.
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What you get


Days off per week
Have some time off for yourself, go explore the city or rest for a while.
Team Dorm
You will have a bed in a shared room, which means you will share the same room with other people.
You will sleep in a tent at a camping site.
Fast Internet Access
High-speed internet for you to work remotely
Use our equipped kitchen
Feel free to use our kitchen and make your own delicious food.
Free Laundry
You can use our laundry room freely.
Free Tours
We’ll take you on tours and rides around town. For free!
Holistic Therapies
You can take part in any of our therapeutic activities for free.
Get help from the Worldpackers support team in case you need it, at any point of your trip.
Verified Host
This host has been verified by our team before joining the community.
WP Safeguard
Did something not go as planned? Contact our team.
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Stay at least
7 days
Stay up to
15 days

The Experience

A vaga é destinada para pessoas com real interesse em se doar e estar presente, na rotina de uma família monoparental. Atenção, cuidado e brincadeiras com a criança da casa, são o foco principal... apoio na limpeza, e organização da área interna e externa da casa, são fundamentais! Cuidados com jardim, coletar frutas e flores. Silêncio e disciplina andam junto com cada detalhe, comunicação não violenta!

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  • Intermediate Portuguese or Intermediate Spanish
  • Between 20 and 80 years old
  • Welcomes solo volunteers, couples, and partners of volunteers

What's not included

Flights, Travel Insurance, Internal Transportation and Visa

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Talk to those who have lived the experience

In our community, you can talk to worldpackers who have already collaborated with this host and get your questions answered directly.

You can ask things like:

  • a) How was your experience with this host?
  • b) How was your day-to-day routine?
  • c) How much did you spend on this trip?

19 Reviews


Host & Team


Hours & Tasks


Eco Village


Learning & Fun


How this experience will transform you

  • 10 Get in touch with nature
  • 9 Meeting locals
  • 8 Learning about sustainability
  • 7 Developing environmental awareness
  • 6 Creating true social impact
  • 6 Developing social awareness

This host contributes to Sustainable Development Goals

  • 5 3. Good health and well-being
  • 4 5. Gender equality
  • 4 12. Responsible consumption and production



Ithethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagereallythethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageenjoyedthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagetothethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagestaythethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagewiththethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageDaithethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageupthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageuntilthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageonethethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagepoint, athethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagedisagreementthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageaboutthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagesomethethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageeconomicalthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagethingsthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagewhichthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageinitiatedthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagemythethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageleaving. Daithethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageisthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageathethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagereallythethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagepowerfulthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagepersonthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageworkingthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagehardthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageonthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagetheirthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagedreamsthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagetothethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagelivethethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageathethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagelifethethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageinthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageprosperitythethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageandthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagehealth. Theythethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagehavethethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageshapedthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagetheirthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagelifethethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagearoundthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagethethethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagesonthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageAru. Itthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagewasthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagedefinitelythethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageathethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagegreatthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageinspirationthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagetothethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagelivethethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageamongthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagesomeonethethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagesothethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagededicated. Ithethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagelearnedthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagealot. Althoughthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageinthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagethethethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageendthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagesomethethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagethingsthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagewerethethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagenotthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageclearlythethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageagreedthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageupon, andthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageIthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageendedthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageupthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagebeingthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageforcedthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagetothethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageleave. Peoplethethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagehavethethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagehistoricallythethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageleftthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageunnoticedthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageseveralthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagetimes, andthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagethisthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageseemsthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagetothethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagehavethethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageathethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagereason. Allthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagethethethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagelovethethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagethough, Ithethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagewishthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageyouthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageallthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagethethethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagebest!

8 months ago



A green home away from home, this Lar can help you to work on your self,meditating,caring,share..all in contact with nature bliss. I highlight for you the genuine rules to be kindly respected, such as no consumption of animal products, cigars or alcoholic beverages in the space.🌿🍄
I improved myself in observing better and giving well attention to a baby and the circumstances surrounding us. Ah and also a baby cat,Hare.
Gratidão Dai.

over 1 year ago



Umaa ecovilaecovilalaraa ecovilaecovilaidealaa ecovilaecovilaparaaa ecovilaecovilapessoasaa ecovilaecovilaqueaa ecovilaecovilaprocuramaa ecovilaecovilaumaaa ecovilaecovilavivênciaaa ecovilaecovilanaaa ecovilaecovilanaturezaaa ecovilaecoviladeaa ecovilaecovilaqualidade, umaaa ecovilaecovilaalimentaçãoaa ecovilaecovilasaudávelaa ecovilaecovilaeaa ecovilaecovilaumaa ecovilaecovilaambienteaa ecovilaecovilafamiliaraa ecovilaecovilaeaa ecovilaecovilaacolhedor.

about 1 month ago



Minhathethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageexperiênciathethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagecomthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageDaithethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageethethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageAruthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagefoithethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagesimplesmentethethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageincrível! Fuithethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagelindamentethethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageinseridathethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagenathethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagerotinathethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagefamiliarthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageethethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagebastavathethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagecombinarthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagepreviamentethethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageparathethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageosthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagehorariosthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageseremthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageajustados. Othethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagelugarthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageéthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagelindissimothethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageethethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagetemthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageumthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageriothethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagebemthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagepertinho. Nossathethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagetrocathethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagefoithethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageincrível, cadathethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageconversathethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageboa, indicaçõesthethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagedethethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagelivros. Quethethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillagetrocathethe eco villageecothe eco villagevillageespecial! Gratidão 🤍

about 2 months ago



Daiaa ecovilaecovilaeaa ecovilaecovilaAruaa ecovilaecovilafizeramaa ecovilaecovilaeuaa ecovilaecovilameaa ecovilaecovilasentiraa ecovilaecovilaemaaa ecovilaecovilaecovila, nossaaa ecovilaecovilatrocaaa ecovilaecovilafoiaa ecovilaecovilaaaa ecovilaecovilamelhoraa ecovilaecovilaexperiênciaaa ecovilaecovilaqueaa ecovilaecovilaeuaa ecovilaecovilapodiaaa ecovilaecovilateraa ecovilaecovilacomoaa ecovilaecovilameuaa ecovilaecovilaprimeiroaa ecovilaecovilavoluntariado! Recomendoaa ecovilaecovilaparaaa ecovilaecovilaquemaa ecovilaecovilabuscaaa ecovilaecovilaautoconhecimento, estaraa ecovilaecovilaemaa ecovilaecovilacontatoaa ecovilaecovilacomaa ecovilaecovilaaaa ecovilaecovilanaturezaaa ecovilaecovilaeaa ecovilaecoviladesconstruiraa ecovilaecovilapadrões. Asaa ecovilaecovilatarefasaa ecovilaecovilaeramaa ecovilaecovilabemaa ecovilaecovilatranquilasaa ecovilaecovilaeaa ecovilaecovilaflexíveisaa ecovilaecovilaeaa ecovilaecovilaeuaa ecovilaecovilapudeaa ecovilaecovilaconciliaraa ecovilaecovilacomaa ecovilaecovilameuaa ecovilaecovilatrabalhoaa ecovilaecovilaremoto. Aaaa ecovilaecovilaecovilaéaa ecovilaecovilamaravilhosaaa ecovilaecovilaeaa ecovilaecovilatodaaa ecovilaecovilaecológicaaa ecovilaecovilamasaa ecovilaecovilabemaa ecovilaecovilaafastadaaa ecovilaecoviladaaa ecovilaecovilacidade, recomendoaa ecovilaecovilaparaaa ecovilaecovilaquemaa ecovilaecovilabuscaaa ecovilaecovilaseaa ecovilaecovilaafastaraa ecovilaecoviladaaa ecovilaecovilaurbanização. Noaa ecovilaecovilageralaa ecovilaecovilaéaa ecovilaecovilaumaaa ecovilaecovilaexperiênciaaa ecovilaecovilaparaaa ecovilaecovilaquemaa ecovilaecovilaestáaa ecovilaecovilacomaa ecovilaecovilaaaa ecovilaecovilamenteaa ecovilaecovilaabertaaa ecovilaecovilaparaaa ecovilaecovilaoaa ecovilaecovilanovoaa ecovilaecovilaeaa ecovilaecoviladiferenteaa ecovilaecoviladoaa ecovilaecovilatradicional, eaa ecovilaecovilaseaa ecovilaecovilaesseaa ecovilaecovilaforaa ecovilaecovilaoaa ecovilaecovilaseuaa ecovilaecovilacaso, comaa ecovilaecovilacertezaaa ecovilaecovilaseráaa ecovilaecovilaincrível! 😍❤️

2 months ago

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About the host

  • • Recently Online

Hosted by Daian

Response Rate
This host usually answers to 70% of the messages
Response Time
This host usually writes back in 1 day

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