Guest House Rio hato, Panama

(21 reviews)21

Ayúdanos a crear áreas agradables =)

Higher chance of approval
This host has recently approved volunteers and is looking for more applications.
Connect with international travelers
9 travelers recommend this host to meet travelers from all around the world
Connect with nature
8 travelers recommend this experience for reconnecting with nature
Accepts couples and pairs of volunteers
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What you offer


Hours per day
Help out and collaborate with your host only a few hours per week.
Help with painting, graffiti, sculpting or drawing.
Painting & Decorating
Help with painting or decorating the property facilities.
Building & Repairing
Help with a wide range of repairs or building.
Help grow plants and cultivate gardens
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What you get


Days off per week
Have some time off for yourself, go explore the city or rest for a while.
Team Dorm
You will have a bed in a shared room, which means you will share the same room with other people.
You are entitled to a free lunch, every day of your stay.
Fast Internet Access
High-speed internet for you to work remotely
Dedicated Workspace
Specific space for you to work remotely
Use our equipped kitchen
Feel free to use our kitchen and make your own delicious food.
Free Laundry
You can use our laundry room freely.
Discounts on Restaurants
Get discounts at nearby restaurants.
Get help from the Worldpackers support team in case you need it, at any point of your trip.
Verified Host
This host has been verified by our team before joining the community.
WP Safeguard
Did something not go as planned? Contact our team.
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Stay at least
1 week
Stay up to
12 weeks

The Experience

El puesto consiste en ayudar a crear áreas agradables visualmente para uso de los huéspedes, colaboración para mantener y crear jardines y áreas verdes. Mantenimiento de mobiliarios.

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  • Intermediate Spanish or Intermediate English
  • Between 20 and 45 years old
  • Welcomes solo volunteers, couples, and partners of volunteers

What's not included

Flights, Travel Insurance, Internal Transportation and Visa

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You can ask things like:

  • a) How was your experience with this host?
  • b) How was your day-to-day routine?
  • c) How much did you spend on this trip?

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21 Reviews


Host & Team


Hours & Tasks


Guest House


Learning & Fun


How this experience will transform you

  • 9 Meeting international travelers
  • 8 Get in touch with nature
  • 8 Meeting locals
  • 7 Immersing in the local culture
  • 5 Developing social awareness
  • 4 Practicing Spanish

This host contributes to Sustainable Development Goals

  • 7 8. Decent work and economic growth
  • 7 12. Responsible consumption and production
  • 2 17. Partnerships for the goals



Volunteering as content creator at the restaurant was very interesting. the guest house is an excelent chef and tries to bring variety in the food culture by creating new recipes. Farallón itself is a bit quite - but you have some bars /restaurants near the place where you are staying. I would recommend this volunteering if you are looking for a place to calm down and charge your batteries for some days. Also, you are staying 20m away from the beach. Little detail : don't expect to be surfing there, there are absolutely no waves in this area.

about 1 year ago

United States


This is a fairly new listing, so they are working on seeing what works for them. If you have concerns talk with the hosts. They are very understanding. There are guests who live at the property and I had communication issues in the beginning because of my limited Spanish. You need patience and an open mind for this experience. It's in the middle of nowhere (2.5h from Panama City) so if you want to spend leisure days by the beach this is for you. If you want to be social or party this place is not for you. Overall a good experience and would recommend if you want to explore Farallon more.

almost 2 years ago



El tiempo que compartimos juntos me permitió conocer mejor esta tierra y la historia de la gente que la habita, con historias diferentes pero siempre interesantes. El trabajo en el restaurante ha permitido entablar relaciones y compartir cosas que no olvidaré. El tiempo en casa con Patricia y Noemi también fue una fuente de conocimiento e intercambio constructivo. Estoy agradecida por esta experiencia y por la pasión que la casa transmite por su proyecto.

14 days ago



Wow!! Una experiencia inolvidable🥹!! Fue mi primer voluntariado y me sentí realmente acogida por cada una de las personas que hacen parte de este equipo de trabajo… the guest house siempre está dispuesto a enseñarte , Grecia con su linda actitud , doña Patricia un excelente persona que me acompaño todos los días de mi estadía y a doña Nohemí que siempre fue un amor de persona ♥️ Gracias por esta linda experiencia, tuve el placer de compartir con otro Worldpackers de Alemania donde compartimos ratos muy lindos llenos de experiencias ✈️ Farallón es un lugar muy seguro♥️

about 2 months ago



El hostel está increíblemente bien ubicado, literal a metros de la playa, la cocina es grande, proporcionan lavadora y jabón para la misma, cocina equipada. Patricia me explico todo cuando llegue y siempre me brindo información útil para movilizarme, la casa y Grecia en el resto fueron muy amables, trabaje de la.mano de la casa el chef ya que soy cocinera y pastelera, considero que fue uno de lls mejores profesionales con los que trabajéhasta ahora, muchísima paciencia a la hora de explicar, le gusta hacerlo ademas, la comida que dan es muy buena y abundante. Flexibles con horarios y francos.

11 months ago

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About the host

  • • Recently Online

Hosted by Kilian

Response Rate
This host usually answers to 70% of the messages
Response Time
This host usually writes back in 2 days
1 published videos
This host has 1 published videos showing a little bit about their place

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