How feedback at Worldpackers helps you get more applications

Reviews reflect experiences, and the better they are, the higher your chances are of receiving applications.


Just like most hosts know it’s important and enjoy receiving applications from volunteers who already have references from other community partners, volunteers also rely on positive reviews left by other travelers to feel safer about the exchanges they choose.

The more volunteers and hosts that receive reviews, the greater your chances are of being on the same page during your exchanges, and making our community happier. In other words, a great way to guarantee yourself a lot of applications and the choice of the best volunteers for your project is receiving positive reviews from the volunteers who’ve already stayed with you.

Good reviews = More visibility = More applications

Reviews are a way to share a little about your experiences with volunteers with the whole community. By accepting more travelers and confirming trips more often, you’ll have the chance to leave and receive feedback on our platform, helping to improve our community and keeping it safe and full of collaboration.

But remember: feedback isn’t only valuable when experiences are over. To resolve any issues and share your impressions and suggestions about potential improvement, chat with the people who are helping out at your project while they’re there with you

Transparent communication with your volunteers and actively listening to them to improve your program and keep hosting exceptional volunteers ensures that hosts and volunteers learn together with empathy, and understand the primary goals of a collaborative exchange: make a positive impact, grow, learn, and share. After this conversation, writing a review on the platform is way easier!

💡 Offering super impactful experiences will increase the amount of travelers interested in your position, because those who already stayed with you will tell everyone how incredible it was. Whether a special dinner or throwing a party to celebrate something specific, making people feel really welcome and supported at your exchanges makes all the difference! 

Honest feedback is welcomed feedback!

Transparency is one of our core community values, which is why our review system is so important: Both hosts and volunteers have 15 days to write a review after a traveler leaves. Your comments will only become visible on each other’s profiles once both parties have written one, or 15 days after the end of your experience, which avoids reviews that don’t align with our mission of growth for people and projects involved in those exchanges.

This is how we make sure that hosts and volunteers have the freedom and peace of mind to be honest about their experiences, based on constructive feedback with no fear of any repercussions. Also, we have our Review Content Policy, which applies to travelers and hosts, for community mediation.

Pay attention to deadlines!

After the 15-day window following the end of a Worldpackers exchange, we don’t accept any more public reviews for travelers – and they can’t write a review about their experience with you either. However, you both still have the chance to publicly respond to reviews.

💡To help you keep track of time, and also increase your chances of getting reviews from travelers, take 15 minutes on the day that a traveler leaves your place to write them a review at Worldpackers. This will serve as a reminder for travelers, who will be more likely to write a review for you too.

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