Morocco Animal Aid
By being part of Morocco Animal Aid you will learn first hand both the pleasures & hardships of the animals within our care. With us you will learn how to live the simple life, in what is a tough & often unforgiving environment.
You will wake up everyday to 450 animals, that are looking to you for love, patience & understanding.
The environment is tough. You may be exposed to situations, behaviours or cultural nuances that you may not agree with or understand. This can be the most difficult part of your journey with us.
By working with us you are contributing to help create a shift towards a safer, healthier, happier future for the animals of Morocco. We are a family here. But we work hard. Really hard. The work is smelly, noisy, dirty & physical. But the reward will always outweigh the sacrifice. We are here for them.
Welcome to Morocco Animal Aid. We are an animal rescue & rehabilitation shelter located in Assersif. A rural, no frills, berber village located just outside the bustling village of Aourir, otherwise known as Banana Village.
By working with us you will learn 1st hand the pleasures & hardships of the animals in our care.
You will be contributing to help create a shift towards a safer, healthier, happier future for the animals of Morocco. We are a family here. But we work hard. Really hard. The work is smelly, noisy, dirty & physical. But the reward will always outweigh the sacrifice. We are here for them. You are making a difference.
Our shelter is run entirely by volunteers. Our volunteers come from all over the globe & are from all walks of life. Without our volunteers, our shelter does not run.
Our volunteer schedule is never the same. Some weeks we are overflowing with volunteers. Other weeks we really struggle. Whichever the scenario, we need to ensure that we are adequately covered to be able to meet the needs of the animals at the shelter.
Daily tasks at the shelter include:
* Cleaning: Poop scoop, rubbish collection, general sanitation of the shelter
* Caring : offer food and fresh water, cuddles
* Walking/Hiking: The dogs are walked for minimum 60 mins at a time on a rotating roster.
* Animal Training: Training walks, to aid socialisation or to assist rehabilitation.
* Staff Training: New volunteer inductions & patient care training.
* Medical Treatment: Administering specialised treatments to animals when required.
* Projects: Other initiatives, such as building, administration etc.
You MUST be confident with dogs. The dogs specifically need strong leaders. The dogs in our care may be different to the dogs you are used to back home. You may experience behaviours or characteristics in our dogs that you may not have experienced before.
If you havent had animals as pets before or are slightly afraid of any type of animal then this position isn't for you.
POO*️️️️️️️️️️️️*️️️️️️️️️️️️*️️️️️️️️️️️️ We clean up poo, dog poo, cat poo. Poo all day, every day. There is always poo. Just one job, for 40mins max will be to pick up poo. If youre sensitive about poo, dont apply. This is by far the worst part of the just. But now you know. POO. Poo. Poo.
*️️️️️️️️️️*️️️️️️️️️️* Morocco is NOT a rabies controlled country. Please check with your GP/Doctor about any vaccinations/boosters needed to travel here.
*️️️️️️️️*️️️️️️️️*️️️️️️️️ We have a number of dogs with leishmaniasis which is a contagious disease for both animals and humans. The dogs are under treatment to kill parasite and wear protective collars to deter the sand fly that transfers the disease. Please take some time to read up on leishmaniasis so you are aware of the risks.