OVC Rwanda

Our last volunteer from France was one year ago and it was great to work with her together. Unfortunately, it is very rare that a volunteer comes to work with the kids. It is a great experience and you can use all the skills you want. We are so happy if the kids can learn anything from you. The place is rural and we take good care of you. :) Thank You!

The organization Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Rwanda currently named OVC Rwanda is a non profit organization which cares orphans and other vulnerable children ,disabled or living desperate .He is registered by Rwanda Government Board (RGB) ,Registration No 164/RGB/NGO/2016
OVC Rwanda has been created in 1995,just one year after the genocide perpetrated against Tutsi in Rwanda where many children were living in trouble out of dignity.
Actually OVC Rwanda serves up to 217 children six (6) months up to 18 years old in foster families, 70 disabled children, 52 single mothers , 50 old people.

I am Emmanuel Uwamahoro. A former orphan, greatly contributed to its foundation and its development. We are a leading team of 20 persons who seek for volunteer. You will be treated very well. If you need any help, we are here to assist you.

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