Support rural poor vulnerable communities in Uganda

(3 avaliações)3

A experiência

Volunteers will take part in sustainable farming, playing with children in school, HIV prevention activities, vegetable growing and skills development. A volunteer may introduce any other new project that t that can help improve living conditions of the rural poor [people. They will helping with school children, women, plus youth groups. Volunteers have constructed solar dehydrators, did gardening, construction, teaching, and health projects

Como você ajuda

5 horas por dia

Cuidado de Crianças: Ajude a cuidar, brincar e passar tempo com as crianças.

Artes: Ajude pintando, esculpindo ou desenhando.

Trabalho social: Ajude comunidades locais.

Ensinar Idiomas: Ensine um idioma ao anfitrião, convidados ou comunidades locais.

Taxa extra necessária

Valor: US$ 6 Por dia

Valor destinado a: Benefícios para os voluntários e Doação para o projeto

Descrição: Volunteers contribute $6 per day to cover expenses for food, maintenance, fuel and financing the organisation

O que você ganha

2 dias livres por semana

Quarto compartilhado: Você terá uma cama em um quarto compartilhado, ou seja, irá dividir o quarto com outras pessoas.

Café da manhã: Você ganha café da manhã gratuito todos os dias que ficar aqui.

Almoço: Você ganha almoço gratuito todos os dias que ficar aqui.

Jantar: Você ganha jantar gratuito todos os dias que ficar aqui.

Lavanderia gratuita: Você pode usar nossa lavanderia gratuitamente.

Bicicletas à vontade: Use nossas bikes à vontade, quando quiser.

Certificado: Ganhe um certificado de conclusão quando for embora.

Internet de Alta Velocidade: Internet de alta velocidade para você trabalhar remotamente

Espaço de Trabalho Dedicado: Espaço específico para você trabalhar remotamente


Inglês Iniciante

Entre 18 e 80 anos

Recebe voluntários sozinhos, casais e duplas de voluntários

Nacionalidades: todas menos Uganda

O que não está incluso

Passagens, seguro viagem, transporte e visto


During your volunteerism, you will be involved in the following activities.

 The Agro-forestry project, briquette making or contract farming project or hypertension prevention treatment and control any project that you will want to be involved in.
 Sustainable agriculture farming methods. You will help the organisation to set up standard agriculture demonstration sites at the Hoima office.
 Agroforestry: You will support the organization with its different angro forestry, tree nursery beds and environmental conservation projects
 You will support with the different actrivities supporting women, youth, children, girls, vegetable growing and others
 You will promote and educate rural poor community members (women and youth groups in the field) about permaculture, organic farming and agro-forestry.
 Construction: You will take part in the different Eco-Friendly construction project

Atividades & Turnos

FAQs for volunteers – Eco-Agric Uganda
Volunteer Application process
You contact Eco-Agric Uganda through your site, then send us your email address through
which we send you these FAQs. After this, we have a skype with you to know more about you
and explain anything you need to know. You will then get a commitment letter from the
organization, sign it and send it back, then you are ready to come
What visa should I take volunteer with you in Uganda?
You are legally required to have a working visa to volunteer in Uganda. Eco-Agric Uganda will
not take responsibility. However, none of our volunteers have ever used one; the regulation is
loose. Volunteers either get a Ugandan tourist visa ($50, valid for 90 days) or an East African
tourist visa which works in Uganda, Kenya, and Rwanda ($100, valid for 90 days in total).
Do you recommend the East African visa?
The East African visa co


Process you go through to apply
1. Send an email to [email protected] indicating your interest to come. You will get a
reply from Josephine Nakakande
2. She will share with us your information about the organisation, volunteering with Eco-Agric
Uganda, sample of commitment letter to host you, plus the frequently asked questions. You
will be given time to read through and take a decision.
3. We will have a virtual video call where Josephine will answer any questions you could be
4. You will sign the commitment letter and send it back
5. You will book your flight and pay your VISA and come. You will share with us a copy of your
ticket or your itinery to help us in picking you
6. We will pick you from Entebbe airport. We are so glad to have you and host you. Be
prepared for the best lovely experience
7. Your program will start with orientation
There are three most impo