Help at our hostel in sunny Lisbon, Portugal :)



I had great memories during 3 months in this hostel! Offerings, tasks, hours was respected! The weekly meetings was important to align communication and for feedbacks. I could manage my remotely job with the tasks, host was flexible and open! In my opinon, they could improve some process and monitorize more directly the volunteer's tasks to indentify what they need to improve. The staff room are needing some maintance in the wall and the rules was respected by the other volunteers! I knew people for life, I could improve spanish, english and french and learned more about hostel! Thanks UGH! :)

quase 2 anos atrás



Fue una experiencia enriquecedora, se respetan los turnos y los horarios son atractivos. El equipo de voluntarios es muy amable y gentil. Sin embargo, el cuarto es un desastre, es un hacinamiento imposible de soportar por mucho tiempo. El aire es irrespirable al interior y es muy pequeño para 8 personas.

2 anos atrás



Pésima experiencia. Ocho voluntarios hacinados en una habitación sin ventilación adecuada. No solo el calor era insoportable sino que la higiene del lugar es nula, imposible que ese cuarto pase una inspección sanitaria. Desde que llegué tuve alergia por las condiciones del lugar, sin espacio de guardado, mucha incomodidad. Sentí mucha falta de respeto. La alacena destinada a nuestra comida estaba plagada de Polillas, limpieza de las duchas y baños deficiente, había sarro, mugre, pelos. Al plantear el problema la respuesta fue que era lo mejor que ellos podían ofrecer. Vergonzoso.

2 anos atrás



It was my first experience as a volunteer and it was quite interesting. I enjoyed traveling in Portugal, especially since you have 4 days of in a week you can make little trips for sure!in the 3 working days you always do the same simple tasks which aren't hard to do at all.

mais de 2 anos atrás



This experience was good. The hours were respected, the people were nice. Overall, the hostel was good. Would recommend.

quase 3 anos atrás



My experience was amazing, good people, good vibes and good place. I really appreciate it and recommend it!

quase 3 anos atrás

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