Abrigo de animais Siriu, Romênia

(9 avaliações)9

Will you come and help in a dog and cat shelter?

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Desenvolva sua consciência social
6 viajantes sentem que desenvolveram sua consciência social colaborando com esse anfitrião
Conecte-se com a natureza
5 viajantes recomendam essa experiência para se reconectar com a natureza
Aceita casais e duplas de voluntários
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Como você vai ajudar


Horas por dia
Colabore com seu anfitrião por algumas horinhas.
Cuidado de Animais
Ajude a cuidar do bem-estar e saúde de animais.
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O que você recebe


Dias livres por semana
Um tempinho livre para você curtir, explorar e descansar.
Quarto privado
Você terá uma cama em um quarto privado, ou seja, um quarto só para você
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2 semanas

A Experiência

Monica Gheorghita, a 74-year-old lady, runs a shelter in a beautiful area in Romania. She has had some bad luck in the last year: knee replacement, broken hip, her other knee now needs urgent surgery. She is looking for help for a longer period of time. Do you like to take care of about 80 dogs & cats & ensure that they have a chance for a better future? Then we really want you to come! The work consists of cleaning, feeding & of course cuddling!

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  • Recebe voluntários sozinhos, casais e duplas de voluntários

O que não está incluso

Passagens, seguro viagem, transporte e visto

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Fale com quem já viveu a experiência

Na nossa comunidade, você pode conversar com worldpackers que já colaboraram com esse anfitrião e tirar suas dúvidas diretamente.

Sugestão do que perguntar:

  • a) Como foi sua experiência no anfitrião?
  • b) Como era seu dia-a-dia?
  • c) Quanto gastou nessa viagem?

9 avaliações


Anfitrião & Equipe


Horas & Tarefas


Abrigo De Animais


Aprendizado & Diversão


Como essa experiência vai te transformar

  • 6 Desenvolvi minha consciência social
  • 5 Me conectei com a natureza
  • 5 Tive um impacto social real
  • 3 Me conectei com viajantes internacionais
  • 3 Tive uma imersão na cultura local
  • 2 Desenvolvi minha consciência ambiental

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável que esse anfitrião contribui

  • 3 3. Saúde de qualidade
  • 3 15. Vida terrestre
  • 1 1. Erradicar a pobreza



The the shelter was a unique experience, the animals are wonderful and it is very nice to do something to improve their lives. The place has many needs and it is important to do our part to improve it. Monica can sometimes be a little harsh, but she is a good woman and she loves animals, she does what she can for them. The work is sometimes hard but you will be rewarded by the love that the dogs give you.

6 meses atrás



This was my first ever volunteering experience and I really enjoyed my time at the the shelter. Even though there is quite a lot of work, it's all really rewarding in the end when you get to see the dogs get adopted into new families. All the dogs are friendly with humans and most of them are really cuddly too. Communication with Monica can be a little difficult at times but once you learn the basics it's pretty easy to guess what it is Monica requires of you :)

6 meses atrás

Reino Unido


Ive thoroughly enjoyed my time at the the shelter, the resources & money can be scarce but Monica does what she can and you can see how much she cares. She is very stubborn but very sweet if you take the time to get to know her properly. This is not for you if you want a place to stay while backpacking, this work is repetitive, messy and quite frankly hard work. You need to be prepared for anything. Dont do this if you just love animals, this can be mentally and physically exhausting especially if you havent done this before. It is a very rewarding job, i do recommend

7 meses atrás



Volunteering at the the shelter is a perfect experience for anyone who truly loves animals and is up for a challenge. For me the challenging part was the combination trying to build a good rapport with Monica despite the language barrier and dealing with the occasional stressful occurrences that are an integral part of life at the the shelter, both of which one has to deal with on top of the daily tasks like cleaning and feeding the dogs and their pens. That said, it is incredibly rewarding when you see abandoned dogs blossoming with care or when Monica thanks you for your efforts.

9 meses atrás

Reino Unido


The the shelter is an amazing opportunity for anyone who loves to connect with nature and loves animals . you can help change the lives of dogs and cats , giving them the love they deserve and helping them be adopted. Monica runs the the shelter amazingly , she is hardworking and clearly cares a lot for the animals . she can be stern , but it comes from her massive love for the animals and that is easy to see . The surrounding area is beautiful and peaceful . The house is cozy and comfortable and the animals are either extremely friendly or a bit shy , none were aggressive . i would recommend!

10 meses atrás

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Sobre o anfitrião

  • Recentemente Online

Anfitrião: Monica

Taxa de Resposta
Esse anfitrião costuma responder 70% das conversas
Tempo de Resposta
Esse anfitrião costuma responder em 1 dia
2 vídeos publicados
Esse anfitrião possui 2 vídeos mostrando um pouco do local

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