
  • Age: 31
  • Nationality: Brazil
  • Languages: Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and English

Volunteer experiences

View all (13)

Experience in Brazil

Permaculture project Porto Seguro, Trancoso, Brazil Mar/2023

Content Writer, Photography, Video Making, and Social Media

Review written by the host

Kelvin, fantástico o trabalho de social media que você fiz, muito profissional, criativo e com resultado incrível! Volta sempre!

  • Social Media
  • Video Making
  • Photography
  • Content Writer
  • Proactivity
  • Flexibility
  • Sociability
  • Communication
  • Responsibility
  • Commitment

Review written by Kelvin

Vim para o projetoAnovafloresta com o objetivo de produzir um curso em vídeo sobre voluntariado ecológico. Esse curso foi ministrado em inglês pelo Stephane, anfitrião do espaço, super conectado com o projetoe um grande mestre em compartilhar esse conhecimento para as pessoas. Nesse período tive o projetooportunidade de participar de diferentes atividades e projetos desenvolvidos no sítio, desde aulas teóricas sobre sustentabilidade, microbiologia e biochar, até práticas deo projeto com mutirões de hiperadobe. Sou muito grato ao Stephane e espero voltar em breve para desenvolver novos projetos.

Experience in Brazil

Camping Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Jan/2023

Content Writer, Photography, Video Making, and Social Media

Review written by the host

É a segunda aplicação do Kelvin no nosso voluntariado. Agora cuidando das nossas mídias sociais. Ele fez tudo que combinamos e mais um pouco. Criou várias artes e ótimos vídeos para o nosso camping. Só tenho a agradecer. Recomendo a toda comunidade Worldpackers.

  • Social Media
  • Video Making
  • Photography
  • Content Writer
  • Proactivity
  • Flexibility
  • Sociability
  • Communication
  • Responsibility
  • Commitment
  • English
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish
Kelvin replied

Só tenho a agradecer pela sua boa vontade e bondade. Posso dizer que ganhei um grande amigo para a vida. Até uma próxima e só pra cima só pra frente. Conta comigo!

Review written by Kelvin

Voluntariar no camping foi só o camping. O trabalho de mídias sociais é muito flexível. Você pode definir o seu horário de trabalho durante a semana, respondendo as mensagens que chegam no Instagram e mantendo a rede ativa: publicando stories, Reels, etc. Me senti super a vontade para sugerir novas ideias de vídeos e o Roberto sempre foi muito aberto para testar coisas novas. Foi uma experiência muito legal, onde conheci muitas pessoas, voluntários de outros países e uma conexão com a natureza incrível. Recomendo para quem está buscando uma região mais calma e segura do Rio de Janeiro.

Experience in Brazil

Camping Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Nov/2022

Gardening, Cleaning, Housekeeping, and Reception

Review written by the host

O Kelvin foi incrível! Realizou todas as tarefas solicitadas, super gente boa e participativo. Já aceitamos ele novamente para a nossa vaga de mídias sociais. Recomendo a toda comunidade Worldpackers!

  • Reception
  • Housekeeping
  • Cleaning
  • Gardening
  • Proactivity
  • Flexibility
  • Sociability
  • Communication
  • Responsibility
  • Commitment
  • English
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish

Review written by Kelvin

Foi muito bom ter encontrado esse refúgio de natureza exuberante em plana capital do RJ. Recomendo para quem está buscando uma região mais calma e segura, perto de trilhas e praias mais isoladas, boas para acampar. Roberto é um excelente anfitrião, super tranquilo e de mente aberta. As atividades do voluntariado são bem flexíveis e nas folgas é possível aproveitar os atrativos do entorno da fazenda e conhecer a cidade. Uma das partes mais legais do voluntariado são as conexões com outros viajantes. Me conectei com voluntários de outros países, como Equador e Holanda, e pratiquei outros idiomas

Academy certificates

View all (10)

Worldpackers Academy was created to prepare the travel community to be committed and engaged volunteers.

Eco Certificate for Volunteers: Basic Concepts

This course has been specifically designed to assist volunteers in preparing for non-routine situations, understanding the fundamentals of living in a community, recognizing the differences between life in the city and the countryside, selecting and supporting projects in achieving their objectives, and learning some basic permaculture concepts to help your project flourish!

Eco Certificate for Volunteers: Basic Concepts

Portuguese version

This course has been specifically designed to assist volunteers in preparing for non-routine situations, understanding the fundamentals of living in a community, recognizing the differences between life in the city and the countryside, selecting and supporting projects in achieving their objectives, and learning some basic permaculture concepts to help your project flourish!

How to become an outstanding Worldpacker

This course is designed to help volunteers prepare for Worldpackers' experiences, including creating a complete traveler profile and sending great applications, sharing feedback with hosts, and other best practices for successful exchanges and your project's growth!

Community contributions

How the traveler helps the Worldpackers community besides volunteering.

Exclusive promo code

Contributes to the growth of our community by referring other travelers to WP


Writing articles for the Worldpackers Blog


Attracting new hosts to the community


Creating awesome videos for the Worldpackers YouTube channel


Producing content about experiences for Worldpackers


Producing educational videos for the Academy

Articles written as Blogger

View all

Viaje o mundo vivendo experiências colaborativas com o intercâmbio voluntário

  • 7min

Como viajar para o Peru gastando pouco

  • 14min

Videos made for the Academy

View all

Tipos de projetos existentes na plataforma

  • 11min

Como se preparar para sua primeira experiência em um projeto de permacultura e sustentabilidade

  • 4min


  • English 4
  • Portuguese 3
  • Spanish 3
  • Italian


I'm an expert!
  • Cleaning 2
  • Content Writer 2
  • Photography 2
  • Reception 2
  • Social Media 2
  • Video Making 2
  • Housekeeping 1
  • Administration
  • Bartending
  • Cooking
  • Kitchen Hand
  • Music
  • Night Shift
  • Tour Guide
Some experience
  • Social Work 1
  • Animal Care
  • Arts
  • Child Care
  • Building & Repairing
  • Painting & Decorating
  • Party Promoter
  • Teaching Languages
  • Teaching Sports
I want to learn it
  • Gardening 1
  • Farming
  • Web Developer

About me as an author


Eu tenho um sonho: empoderar as pessoas a serem livres, se autoconhecerem e encontrarem a sua melhor versão. Tengo un sueño: empoderar a las personas para que sean libres, se conozcan y encuentren su mejor versión.

Travel motivation & Interests

What motivates me to travel

    • Self-development
    • Connecting with nature
    • Finding purpose
    • Practicing languages
    • Mental health

Interests that define me

    • Entrepreneurship
    • Spirituality
    • Gastronomy
    • Meditation
    • Playing music
    • Social media



I studied hard to become a Civil Engineer. However, most of the important things I've learned from life experiences, travels, Google and YouTube.

I really appreciate self-knowledge. I like to read books about personal development, relationships, travel, body and mind.

Throughout my 27 years old I've learned music, engineering, languages (English, Spanish and Italian), meditation, yoga and videomaking skills.

Now I'm dedicating my life to travel around the world knowing different cultures, people, languages and living a digital nomad lifestyle.

Work experience

I've worked since I was 12 years old and I've done several things in different areas.

The main thing was when I decied to begin my own business.

I started very small, buying cheaper things and selling more expensive to gain profit. I did some money and started my online business.

Now, I'm working with social media, as a content writer, photographer and video maker.

In this process I teach people meditate, save money e travel around the world.

Travel experience

When I decided to backpacking South America I didn't expect to arrive so far.

It has been many months planning and researching how to travel a lot spending little money. When I discovered the volunteering world my mind opened and I realised infinitely possibilities. I found that I could exchange my skills for accommodation and even develop many others. Also, I understood that traveling is not just about knowing amazing places, however what makes it so special are people you know, connect with and most of all get value each other.

Being away from home, your family and friends makes you value every moment lived. It makes you think and reflect every trajectory of your life. There is no right, no wrong, but there is standards that society has imposed on you since your birth, however you just have to decide by yourself resignify and rebuild a new mindset that makes sense to you.

What I did was just a QUESTION - Where my life was taking me if I keep following all the beliefs and limitations that were put in my mind? I threw it all in the trash, said ENOUGH for any superficiality moment and changed my LIFESTYLE, which today is based on LIVING day by day present in the moment and ready for ACTION.

Additional information

Digital nomad
I plan to keep work on remote jobs while volunteering
Dietary restriction/option

