Planning and budgeting for travel

Access this content now, as well as 260 more classes in this exclusive Academy track, with everything you need to know to travel more while spending less.

Making the decision to travel as a couple

Do you also have the feeling that you could live your lives more fully? We’ll let you know what inspired us to travel for a year and how we made that decision.


What you will learn:

  • How we prepared for traveling for more than a year as a couple
  • How you can plan and make your trip as a couple a reality
  • Everything you need to plan to travel for an extended period
  • How to make radical changes in your lives
  • What you need to consider before deciding to travel
  • How to manage your bank accounts, credit cards, visas, and passports
  • How to plan your trip
  • How to organize your finances for the trip
  • How to save money and get the most out of it
  • How to deal with unexpected situations during your trip
  • This content is perfect for you if:
  • You’ve never traveled long-term as a couple before
  • You’re looking for a radical change in your lifestyles
  • You’re already traveling and want to continue
  • You want to take a year off
  • You’re looking for a way to earn money while traveling

This content is perfect for you if:

  • You’ve never traveled long-term as a couple before
  • You’re looking for a radical change in your lifestyles
  • You’re already traveling and want to continue
  • You want to take a year off
  • You’re looking for a way to earn money while traveling