
  • Edad: 30
  • Nacionalidad: Italia
  • Idiomas: Sueco, Ruso, Francés, Italiano, Español y Inglés

Viajando en pareja

Perfil conectado con Roberto

Experiencias de voluntariado

Ver todas (6)

Experiencia en Australia

Casa de familia Bega Valley Shire Council, Australia Aug/2024

Limpieza, Construcción y Reparación y Jardinería

El anfitrión no hizo una reseña
Reseña hecha por Jessica

The experience with Max has been amazing. The house is cozy and he's such a nice guy! We had so much fun together, he introduced us to his friends, he drove us around the area and he even made pizza for us! The work was minimal, just general cleaning and mowing the lawn. Max also showed us how to make rings, it was so interesting. He has so the home skills and you can learn a lot from him. We've also been so lucky to meet the cute dog Benny! I recommend this experience to everyone. Also, the area is beautiful and full of amazing natural walks.

Experiencia en España

Hospitalidad Alicante, España Jan/2024

Limpieza, Tareas Domésticas, Administración y Recepción

Reseña hecha por el anfitrión

Jessica (and Roberto) are a couple you will want to have around. They've already traveled half the world and I learned a lot with them. I am an enthusiast of conversations about travel and cultures and Jessica and Roberto are the most experienced travelers who have ever stayed with me. Regarding the tasks, they did a great job taking photos of my B&B and office to use in social media. Also... they speak italian which is a super plus to me! :) Worldpackers' mission has been accomplished.

  • Recepción
  • Administración
  • Tareas Domésticas
  • Limpieza
  • Proactividad
  • Flexibilidad
  • Socialización
  • Comunicación
  • Responsabilidad
  • Compromiso
  • Inglés
  • Italiano
  • Español

Reseña hecha por Jessica

The experience at the host has been amazing. The city is wonderful and Pedro is very nice and kind. It was a pleasure to meet him and have nice talks together. It was low season so there wasn't so much work to do, we helped him with pictures for its the host and b&b, and we had a lot of free time to enjoy the city and the surrounding area. Really recommend this experience to everyone, you will love the place and Pedro! :)

Experiencia en Corea del Sur

Casa de huéspedes Daejeon, Corea del Sur Jun/2023

Enseñanza de Idiomas

Reseña hecha por el anfitrión

She is very considerate, kind, sincere and exemplary in everything. I highly recommend her.

  • Enseñanza de Idiomas
  • Proactividad
  • Flexibilidad
  • Socialización
  • Comunicación
  • Responsabilidad
  • Compromiso
  • Inglés

Reseña hecha por Jessica

This volunteering experience has been one of the best I've ever had. I had the opportunity to meet a lot of Koreans, learn more about their culture, and the hours at the guest house passed really quickly. The apartment is very small and Daejeon is not the best city in Korea, but I'll never forget my time hanging out with the students and Russel is one of the kindest persons I've ever met. He has a big heart and he cares a lot about leaving a beautiful memory to you. I appreciated it! I'll never forget my experience in Language Studio! :)

Certificados de la Academy

Cómo ser un Worldpacker increíble

Versión en Inglés

Este curso fue creado para preparar voluntarios para experiencias Worldpackers en general, con información sobre cómo tener un perfil de viajero completo, cómo enviar buenas aplicaciones, cómo compartir feedback con anfitriones y otras buenas prácticas para el éxito de los intercambios y de tu proyecto!

Contribuciones para la comunidad

Cómo el viajero colabora con la comunidad Worldpackers más allá del voluntariado.

Código promocional exclusivo

Colabora con el crecimiento de la comunidad al recomendar WP a otros viajeros


Escribiendo artículos para el Blog Worldpackers

Artículos escritos como Blogger

Ver todo

The best places in the US for solo female travelers

  • 6min

Summer travel ideas: 15 TOP destinations (with free stay!)

  • 8min


  • Inglés 4
  • Italiano 3
  • Español 2
  • Sueco 1
  • Ruso
  • Francés


¡Soy un experto!
  • Limpieza 2
  • Tareas Domésticas 2
  • Recepción 2
  • Enseñanza de Idiomas 1
  • Redes Sociales
Algo de experiencia
  • Jardinería 2
  • Ayuda en Granjas Eco 1
  • Escritor de contenido
  • Mano de Cocina
  • Fotografía
  • Producción de Videos
Quiero aprender
  • Cuidado de Animales
  • Construcción y Reparación
  • Pintura y Decoración
  • Trabajo Social
  • Guía Turístico

Sobre mí como autor

Jessy Around The World

an Italian full time traveler. After years planning my full time travel, I finally quit my 9 to 5 job to start exploring the world with a one way ticket. My goal is to visit as many countries as I can and to work as a digital nomad while I am traveling, but also to challenge myself doing travel jobs in the places I visit. I really want to live a lot of different experiences in a way only a real traveler can do.

Motivación de viaje y Intereses

Lo que me motiva a viajar

    • Intercambio cultural
    • Desarrollar nuevas habilidades
    • Explorar el mundo
    • Conocer gente local
    • Practicar idiomas

Intereses que me definen

    • Animales
    • Libros
    • Caminatas
    • Cine y televisión
    • Redes sociales
    • Escribir



I studied foreign languages and literatures at the University of Florence, Italy. In addition to my native language, Italian, I speak English and Spanish very well, and I have some basic knowledge of Russian, French and Swedish.

Experiencia laboral

I work with social medias because I have a blog, a YouTube channel and my social pages on Facebook and Instagram, in which I talk about my travels and I show my trips photos.
I am currently an online language teacher (English and Italian).
I am good with the computer in general, regarding social medias. I have experience in teaching languages because I've been a tutor for a lot of people who needed help in learning. I also taught English in South Korea for a while.
I am a beginner digital nomad in translation, Web writing and copywriting field.
I have experience in housekeeping, front of house and reception in restaurants, hostels and hotels, these are usually the jobs I do abroad during my full time travel, I did this job in several countries all around the world.
I'm always open to new kind of works and experiences. I'm curious and never afraid.

Experiencia de viaje

Travelling is my passion. I did a lot of travels and trips all around Europe, I backpacked all Central America and a bit of South America.
After living in New Zealand for almost one year, I had a 3 months trip to Asia. This year I started traveling around the US and now I am currently living in Australia with a working holiday visa.
I travel with my husband and we love to explore cultures, food and places so different from our hometown. We like everything: cities, beaches, sea, mountains, cultural trips.

Otras experiencias de voluntariado

With my husband I volunteered in so many countries doing different tasks:
- we volunteered in a hostel in Estonia as housekeepers
- we volunteered in Sweden in a yoga centre
- we volunteered in Costa Rica as housekeepers and receptionists
- we volunteered in New Zealand as gardening and general maintenance of the house
- we volunteered in South Korea as English teachers
- we volunteered in Spain in a luggage storage
- we did many pet and house sitting experiences all around Australia

Información adicional

Nómada digital
Planeo continuar trabajando a distancia mientras soy voluntario
Restricción/opción alimentaria

