Learn about a sustainable life, permaculture & self sufficiency
La experiencia
Here you can learn more about permaculture and a sustainable, self sufficient life in nature and how to make the world a better place.
We are turning our 12 hectares into an edible landscape where tourists can camp and enjoy nature. You can help us with the animals, work on the terrain, in the garden and the food forest.
After the intro week we will discuss what more you want to learn, what you enjoy the most and how you can contribute best.
Que ofreces?
25 horas de ayuda por semana
Construcción y Reparación:
Ayuda con varias tareas de reparación o construcción.
Cuidado de Animales:
Ayuda a cuidar mascotas.
Ayuda en Granjas Eco:
Siembra, cosecha y ayuda con tareas del campo.
Ayuda a plantar y cultivar jardines.
Cuota extra requerida
€ 100
Cuantía destinada a:
Beneficios para los voluntarios y Donaciones al proyecto
This fee is for a week long course in permaculture and sustainable living.
We start your 4 weeks volunteering period here with a course that will be fun and hands-on. We have developed a program with learning about sustainable and self sufficient living, how to DO that, and how social and land based permaculture is a basis for us.
Lo que obtienes
2 dias libres por semana
Habitación privada:
Tendrás una cama en un cuarto privado. Sí, un cuarto solo para ti.
Habitación compartida:
Tendrás una cama en un cuarto compartido con otros viajeros.
Habitación del equipo:
Tendrás una cama en un cuarto compartido con otras personas.
Tendrás una carpa/tienda en un campamento.
Tienes derecho a desayunos gratis cada día de tu estadía.
Tienes derecho a almuerzos gratis cada día de tu estadía.
Tienes derecho a cenas gratis cada día de tu estadía.
Puedes usar libremente nuestra lavandería.:
Hay un lugar especial donde se lava la ropa sin costo.
Excursiones gratis:
Te llevamos a excursiones y caminatas por la ciudad, GRATIS.
Tragos gratis:
Obtén tragos y comidas gratis.
Eventos gratis:
Obtén pases gratis para los mejores eventos de la ciudad.
Te buscaremos cuando llegues y te llevamos a nuestro lugar.
Terapias holísticas:
Puedes unirte a nuestras actividades terapéuticas gratuitamente.
Curso de permacutura:
Puedes unirte a nuestros cursos de permacultura gratuitamente.
Internet Básica:
Internet de velocidad básica para trabajar remotamente
Inglés Fluído o Croata Fluído
Entre 18 y 80 años
Admite voluntarios solos, parejas y dúos de voluntarios
Lo que no está incluído
Vuelos, Seguro de Viaje, Transporte Interno y Visa
Programa detallado
We live a simple, mostly self sufficient life with the land. We love to prepare delicious dishes with ingredients from the garden and our stable. We like to make our own (sourdough) bread, crackers, cookies, fruit wines, jams, syrups, sauerkraut, yogurt, mayonnaise, kimchi & kefir.
We collect various (medicinal) herbs for tea, tinctures and oils, cosmetic products, cleaning products and for the kitchen.
Your stay here starts with a week long course as an introduction to permaculture, sustainable living and self-sufficiency. These courses start every month.
Unless you already have your PDC: then your date of arrival is more flexible.
Our "rich forest" is a LAND demonstration site for the Permaculture Association Britain and Barbara has her permaculture Diploma (mentored by Looby Macnamara) also through this organisation.
Actividades & Turnos
You can help us (4-5 hours per day, 5 days a week) with the garden, with cleaning parts of the terrain, making the camp site more beautiful and turning the terrain into an edible landscape. We need to collect and chop winter wood, the animals need fences, the paths need wood chips mulch, we can do some pruning, taking care of the (polyculture, no dig) garden, composting and mulching with various methods, making and spreading natural fertilizers, and you can help us with everyday tasks. Like fermenting food, making jam, drying fruits, collecting seeds, hunting bugs... Maybe you can help us making videos or taking beautiful pictures, writing, designing...
We expect fun and flexibility, openness and drive. You can expect this all from us as well.
We expect you to be a responsible person with an adult attitude.
We provide you with 3 meals per day. Breakfast you have at your own time, lunch and dinner we do together.
Every morning we have a check-in to start the day.
Every Friday we close the week with an evaluation and celebration.
Although we are meat eaters, we enjoy vegetarian food as well. But veganism we do not appreciate because in our climate region that is not sustainable. So if you eat vegan please don't apply.
We don't appreciate dogma's and fixed thinking in general.
After the first introduction week, you can stay here another 3-99 weeks. Of course we discuss this, your goals and wishes, and we look at how we "match". Volunteering has to be fun for the both of us!