
  • Edad: 38
  • Nacionalidad: Brasil
  • Idiomas: Portugués, Francés, Español y Inglés

Experiencias de voluntariado

Ver todas (7)
Vanessa no compareció en 2 experiencias

Experiencia en Reino Unido

Hostel Birmingham, Reino Unido Oct/2018

Recepción y Administración

El anfitrión no hizo una reseña

Experiencia en Croacia

Hostel Zagreb, Croacia Sep/2018

Turno Nocturno y Recepción

Reseña hecha por el anfitrión

Vanessa was a great volunteer with her positive energy and great social skills. :)

  • Responsabilidad
  • Socialización
  • Proactividad
  • Compromiso

Experiencia en Bélgica

Hostel Antwerp, Bélgica Aug/2018

Construcción y Reparación, Turno Nocturno, Recepción y Tareas Domésticas

El anfitrión no hizo una reseña


  • Portugués
  • Inglés
  • Francés
  • Español


¡Soy un experto!
  • Administración
  • Turno Nocturno
  • Promotor de Fiestas
  • Recepción
  • Guía Turístico
Algo de experiencia
  • Bartending
  • Limpieza
  • Jardinería
  • Tareas Domésticas
  • Mano de Cocina
  • Fotografía
  • Enseñanza de Idiomas
Quiero aprender
  • Cocina
  • Música
  • Pintura y Decoración
  • Trabajo Social
  • Producción de Videos
  • Desarrollador Web

Sobre mí como autor

Ha pouco mais de 1 ano resolvi deixar o medo para tras, sair da "zona de conforto" e correr atras do sonho de viajar o mundo, conhecer novas pessoas, aprender outros idomas e me aventurar sem medo de feliz! Descobri minha paixao por Hostels desde minha primeira experiencia e desde entao...nao parei!! Estados Unidos, Brasil e proxima etapa... EUROPA! \o/ E isso eh so comeco! O mundo eh muito grande e ainda ha muito por ser vivido, descoberto. Quer vivenciar isso tambem?! Voce pode! Acredite! Me pergunte como ;)

Redes sociales



INTENSIVE ENGLISH PROGRAM at ALPS Language School - 2014 - 2015 Seattle- WA (USA)
Graduation - Executive Secretary Trilingual ( UNESPAR- State University of Parana- Brazil

Experiencia laboral

I've been working as administrative assistant for many years. Thus, dealing with administrative routine, reception, customer service phone, invoices, payments and receipts etc.
I also have other professional experiences , usually dealing with clients and administrative routines or both together.
I also dream in to work with tourism , since I love being in touch with people from different places and also I love living new experiences , cultures and know different places.
The world is an amazing place and there is too much to live and discover.

Experiencia de viaje

I spent this year (2017) working as a volunteer in USA.
First on Charleston -SC and then in Washington -DC, where I worked for 10 months.
It was a wonderful experience! I just loved it!
Certainly it was just the beginning😊
I can't wait for my next one!

I also visited amazing places as Los Angeles, Portland, Olympia, Seattle where I lived and studied (2 years ago).
I learned a lot about many different cultures since I met people from all over the world.
Surely, it was an amazing,rewarding and enriching experience.
I've visited many different cities and states here on Brazil, as well.