Be a photographer of the bests Cancún Parties!

(117 avaliações)117

A experiência

We're a friendly, fun Hostel that opened in the summer of '09 that’s evolving into three Hostels, and a Backpacker Bar. We need truly energetic, passionate people to keep this place going & maintain our high standards of customer service. On top of this, we need to keep letting the world know how much fun it is to stay with us in Cancun ☀🏖🍹🎉

Help us spread the good word with your pictures!

Como você ajuda

28 horas por semana

Mídias Sociais: Tome conta das mídias sociais.

Fotografia: Tire, edite e entregue fotos sensacionais.

O que você ganha

1 dia livre por semana

Quarto da equipe: Você terá uma cama em um quarto compartilhado, ou seja, irá dividir o quarto com outras pessoas.

Descontos em festas: Ganhe descontos em festas e baladas nas redondezas.

Descontos em drinks: Ganhe descontos em drinks ou bebidas do nosso bar.

Descontos em tours: Ganhe descontos em tours ou passeios pela cidade.

Descontos em hospedagem: Ganhe descontos para hospedar-se em outros hostels.

Lavanderia gratuita: Você pode usar nossa lavanderia gratuitamente.

Drinks de graça: Ganhe free drinks ou bebidas.

Festas de graça: Ganhe entrada gratuita para as melhores festas da cidade.

Use nossa cozinha equipada: Fique à vontade para usar nossa cozinha para cozinhar sua própria comida.

Internet de Alta Velocidade: Internet de alta velocidade para você trabalhar remotamente


Inglês Intermediário ou Espanhol Intermediário

Entre 18 e 35 anos

Recebe voluntários sozinhos (não aceita casal ou duplas)

O que não está incluso

Passagens, seguro viagem, transporte e visto


We'll ask you to upload 5 to 10 publishable pictures a day in exchange for accommodation, unlimited basic food (rice, pasta, beans, lentils, oats, and pancake flour), some fresh fruits, and discounts at our bar and restaurant 🍔🌮🍻

We ask for a minimum of 1-month commitment and we’re looking for people with good vibes and a good attitude, who like meeting new people and that can speak a bit of Spanish

Atividades & Turnos

Volunteer shifts are generally 4 or 8 hours a day, but since this position is photography-specific, there is no real hourly requirement. The requirement is based on an average of publishable pictures taken (and edited) on a weekly basis, so your time-management is up to you. The important thing is that you are generally present for our day and evening activities where all the fun happens.

Ideally, you’d be able to help us with taking people to the beach 2-3 times a week, and possibly be interested in going clubbing with our guests when the opportunity presents itself.

Let us know if you're also up to manage our social media accounts! There are never too many stories or posts ;)


We are NOT a drug-friendly Hostel. Getting shitfaced is A-Ok, but on the legal stuff only. Anyone found with drugs will be asked to leave.

Upon arrival, for security reasons, you will be expected to leave a deposit of either a valid passport or a valid ID and 100 USD (or 2000 pesos). Either of these will be returned to you upon your departure. Our team always feels at home here, so it’s important to everyone that we maintain a safe working and living environment by knowing exactly who is staying with us at all times and discouraging the possibility of anyone making a quick exit with something that isn’t theirs.