Projeto sem fins lucrativos Kakuma, Quênia

(4 avaliações)4

Women's Life & Empowerment Coach

Ajude um projeto sustentável
4 viajantes confirmaram que este anfitrião contribui ativamente para a construção de um futuro mais sustentável para todos!
Maior chance de aprovação
Anfitriões que aprovaram voluntários recentemente e buscam por mais aplicações.
Viva uma imersão na cultura local
3 viajantes recomendam esse anfitrião para quem procura viver uma imersão cultural local
Desenvolva sua consciência social
3 viajantes sentem que desenvolveram sua consciência social colaborando com esse anfitrião
Aceita casais e duplas de voluntários
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Como você vai ajudar


Horas por semana
Colabore com seu anfitrião por algumas horinhas.
Ajude a plantar, regar e cultivar jardins.
Trabalho social
Ajude comunidades locais.
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O que você recebe


Dias livres por semana
Um tempinho livre para você curtir, explorar e descansar.
Uma barraca confortável para dormir sob um céu estrelado.
Você ganha almoço gratuito todos os dias que ficar aqui.
Internet de Alta Velocidade
Internet de alta velocidade para você trabalhar remotamente
Passeios de graça
Te levamos para fazer tours e passeios pela cidade. De graça!
Ganhe um certificado de conclusão quando for embora.
Receba ajuda da equipe da Worldpackers caso precise em algum momento da viagem.
Anfitrião verificado
Esse anfitrião foi checado pela nossa equipe antes de entrar na comunidade.
Proteção WP
Algo não saiu como combinado? Entre em contato com a nossa equipe.
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1 semana
Fique até
8 semanas

A Experiência

Many women, including unmarried mothers, teenage mothers, widows, and women with disabilities, are facing significant challenges in caring for their children, relying primarily on insufficient rations provided by WFP. To support these vulnerable groups, we aim to offer capacity-building programs focused on small business management, empowering them toward self-reliance.

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  • Inglês Intermediário ou Francês Intermediário
  • Entre 18 e 65 anos
  • Recebe voluntários sozinhos, casais e duplas de voluntários

O que não está incluso

Passagens, seguro viagem, transporte e visto

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Fale com quem já viveu a experiência

Na nossa comunidade, você pode conversar com worldpackers que já colaboraram com esse anfitrião e tirar suas dúvidas diretamente.

Sugestão do que perguntar:

  • a) Como foi sua experiência no anfitrião?
  • b) Como era seu dia-a-dia?
  • c) Quanto gastou nessa viagem?

4 avaliações


Anfitrião & Equipe


Horas & Tarefas


Projeto Sem Fins Lucrativos


Aprendizado & Diversão


Como essa experiência vai te transformar

  • 3 Tive uma imersão na cultura local
  • 3 Desenvolvi minha consciência social
  • 3 Me conectei com pessoas locais
  • 3 Tive um impacto social real
  • 2 Pratiquei Inglês

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável que esse anfitrião contribui

  • 3 4. Educação de qualidade
  • 3 10. Reduzir as desigualdades
  • 1 16. Paz, justiça e instituições eficazes



Volunteering in Kakuma is not for the fainthearted, but so worth it. There's heat, dust and life overall is much less comfortable than at your home. However, volunteering with PDRI has been truly inspiring for me (tip: I made a 6 min film about it!). The members will undoubtedly welcome you with open arms. I've met so many interesting people in this multicultural environment. The PDRI team will take good care of you in terms of safety and giving you information about how to get to Kakuma and how to behave once you're there. It's good to know that you will sleep in Kakuma town, not in the camp.

9 meses atrás

Peace for Development respondeu

We have witnessed the valuable work of Laura Spoor, a brave female who has implemented various activities with PDRI with positive impacts in Kakuma refugee camp. She was involved in various activities including peace building, women empowerment and ECD. In peace building she visited all the community leaders and helped us to develop our project of PDRI Peace Center by involving also women in the project for inclusivity. Regarding women empowerment, she organized meetings with women leaders from different communities in order to remind them about what they have to do or initiate in order to be self-reliant and make their lives better. The activity of ECD within PDRI has improved since Laura started volunteering with PDRI. Not only because of facilitating but also because she bought necessary materials so that the activity is conducted properly. She was close to the children. These children are the most affected due to Laura's departure and it has been painful to them as they missed her. Laura has been the first person and volunteer that has organized a fundraising campaign for PDRI that has enabled us today to implement activities in terms of logistics. All PDRI members as well as the entire Kakuma refugee camp will remember Laura for what she did.



This experience was transformative. The PDRI team is composed of Camp residents who volunteer their time and resources to maintain and expand a the project Center. Very committed and empowered group. Over 300+ ethnic groups, so the opportunity to live diversity is unparalleled. My role was Cross-Cultural Trainer. I helped PDRI conduct needs assessment interviews with the community leaders and deliver training. I stayed at a guest house in town. Weather and overall conditions are not easy. Talk to Pascal first to see if this is for you. If you like grassroots capacity building, please consider.

1 ano atrás

Peace for Development respondeu

Roberto Vale applied to volunteer for PDRI for the position of Inter-Cultural Communition Trainer under our peace building project. A part from granting us several training, Roberto helped PDRI to initiate a great project that is accepted by not only our comnunities but also by stakeholders. The project is called "PDRI PEACE CENTER" managed by a platform of all community leaders composing Kakuma refugee camp. We started visiting each community and at the end we organized a big meeting of all community leaders and worked on the constitution that for the guidance of the platform. Even though PDRI is implementing sevel activity, all of them are centralized on peace building that is why the project of community leaders' platform is the core activity within PDRI. Dispite his age Roberto has energy to work than even youngs. He is a hard worker, he could work from Monday to Sunday and the whole day. Due to Roberto presence in Kakuma refugee camp, PDRI is known all corners as Roberto visited and did meeting separately with all the community leaders from Kakuma 1 to Kakuma 4. Really the Kakuma community learnt more from Roberto and benefited from his expertise that has made successful the project.



¡Mi primer voluntariado dentro de un campo de refugiados! Concretamente en Kakuma1, con mi pareja. Durante 2 semanas formamos al personal del proyeto Iniciative (PDRI) en administración, gestión de proyectos y de voluntariado, crowdfunding, redes sociales, etc. También hicimos actividades lúdicas y educativas con niños refugiados, y tuvimos una reunión muy interesante con mujeres refugiadas (el tema mujer es prioritario). Recomiendo primero observar, para luego ayudar en este contexto multiétnico. Nos hubiera gustado más tiempo para conocer historias de vida. Thanks!

mais de 1 ano atrás

Peace for Development respondeu

We are very grateful toward a blessed couple (Javier and Laura) the first persons to volunteer for PDRI. In terms of capacity building, they granted us a training related to the administration. Javi and Laura made PDRI administration to be well organized. In terms of financial management, we were trained on how to update financial movement in order to produce good report. Earlier Childhood Education (ECD) is another activity Javi and Laura developed within PDRI as they spent a lot of time with children below 11 years old. Reading, writing, singing and dancing and playing were among the sessions facilitated by Javi and Laura. They were working as a team and could complete each other. Not only PDRI witnessed but also different communities they visited witnessed their sociability and were very sad about their departure. The presence of this couple helped PDRI for visibility on the social media and motivated other people to volunteers for PDRI. To be honest, witout Javi and Laura, PDRI would not reach the level we have now so they will still in the memory of PDRI forever



Mi pareja y yo hemos tenido el gusto de ser los primeros voluntarios para the project (PDRI). Durante 2 semanas hemos ayudado a la capacitacion de su staff (control financiero, marketing de redes sociales, crowdfunding, gestión de voluntarios, etc) así como el entretenimiento y educación de sus niños (juegos, canciones, bailes, etc). Ellos nos han aportado un entorno único y multicultural en Kakuma Refugee Camp 1. Hemos echado en falta pasar más tiempo conociendo la vida e historias de más refugiados, recomendamos a próximos voluntarios que aprovechen esto.

mais de 1 ano atrás

Peace for Development respondeu

We are very grateful toward a blessed couple (Javier and Laura) the first persons to volunteer for PDRI. In terms of capacity building, they granted us a training related to the administration. Javi and Laura made PDRI administration to be well organized. In terms of financial management, we were trained on how to update financial movement in order to produce good report. Earlier Childhood Education (ECD) is another activity Javi and Laura developed within PDRI as they spent a lot of time with children below 11 years old. Reading, writing, singing and dancing and playing were among the sessions facilitated by Javi and Laura. They were working as a team and could complete each other. Not only PDRI witnessed but also different communities they visited witnessed their sociability and were very sad about their departure. The presence of this couple helped PDRI for visibility on the social media and motivated other people to volunteers for PDRI. To be honest, witout Javi and Laura, PDRI would not reach the level we have now so they will still in the memory of PDRI forever

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  • Recentemente Online

Anfitrião: Peace for Development

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5 vídeos publicados
Esse anfitrião possui 5 vídeos mostrando um pouco do local

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