Projeto sem fins lucrativos San Juan La laguna, Solola, Guatemala

(26 avaliações)26

Voluntariado de Idiomas y ayuda en marketing

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12 viajantes confirmaram que este anfitrião contribui ativamente para a construção de um futuro mais sustentável para todos!
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Anfitriões que aprovaram voluntários recentemente e buscam por mais aplicações.
Viva uma imersão na cultura local
22 viajantes recomendam esse anfitrião para quem procura viver uma imersão cultural local
Conecte-se com pessoas locais
15 viajantes recomendam esse anfitrião para ter um contato próximo com locais
Aceita casais e duplas de voluntários
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Horas por dia
Colabore com seu anfitrião por algumas horinhas.
Trabalho social
Ajude comunidades locais.
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Ensinar ou ajudar o anfitrião, convidados ou comunidades locais a praticar esporte ou atividades físicas
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Taxa Extra
Esse anfitrião cobra uma taxa além da assinatura da Worldpackers.
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O que você recebe


Dias livres por semana
Um tempinho livre para você curtir, explorar e descansar.
Quarto da equipe
Você terá uma cama em um quarto compartilhado, ou seja, irá dividir o quarto com outras pessoas.
Uma barraca confortável para dormir sob um céu estrelado.
Café da manhã
Você ganha café da manhã gratuito todos os dias que ficar aqui.
Você ganha almoço gratuito todos os dias que ficar aqui.
Você ganha jantar gratuito todos os dias que ficar aqui.
Internet Básica
Internet de velocidade básica para você trabalhar remotamente
Espaço de Trabalho Dedicado
Espaço específico para você trabalhar remotamente
Lavanderia gratuita
Você pode usar nossa lavanderia gratuitamente.
Receba ajuda da equipe da Worldpackers caso precise em algum momento da viagem.
Anfitrião verificado
Esse anfitrião foi checado pela nossa equipe antes de entrar na comunidade.
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Fique pelo menos
2 semanas

A Experiência

El trabajo conciste en Enseñar Ingles a las Estudiantes ser la traductora de ingles a cualquier actividad Manejar redes Sociales del proyecto en especial la tienda de artesania Yo no ofrezco comida para los voluntarios porque mi comida es muy sencilla, comemos mas tortillas que comida, pero si te gusta esto, pues bienvenido a la mesa los tres tiempos, algunos momentos comemos algo bueo, Pero si te ofrezco estufa, de gas y de leña, para tu comida

Saiba mais


  • Inglês Iniciante ou Espanhol Iniciante
  • Entre 22 e 65 anos
  • Recebe voluntários sozinhos, casais e duplas de voluntários

O que não está incluso

Passagens, seguro viagem, transporte e visto

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Sugestão do que perguntar:

  • a) Como foi sua experiência no anfitrião?
  • b) Como era seu dia-a-dia?
  • c) Quanto gastou nessa viagem?

26 avaliações


Anfitrião & Equipe


Horas & Tarefas


Projeto Sem Fins Lucrativos


Aprendizado & Diversão


Como essa experiência vai te transformar

  • 22 Tive uma imersão na cultura local
  • 15 Me conectei com pessoas locais
  • 13 Pratiquei Espanhol
  • 10 Tive um impacto social real
  • 10 Me conectei com a natureza
  • 8 Desenvolvi minha consciência social

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável que esse anfitrião contribui

  • 11 4. Educação de qualidade
  • 4 17. Parcerias e meios de implementação
  • 1 3. Saúde de qualidade



Daniel and his family approach their project with all their heart, often they just don't have enough time for a lot. And they really need help. I recommend. Just keep in mind that there will be little food, and if you are used to coffee or large portions, then count on yourself, buy more food. The family is very friendly and open to communication. You will be into the real world of Guatemala. I recommend.

4 meses atrás



It was an immense pleasure to work with Daniel's daughters Lisbeth and Leila. They made me feel welcome and showed me around the school. The students are 15-21 year old Mayan girls from local communities that are eager to learn and very inquisitive. It was a joy to contribute to their language education and a very rewarding time spent at San Juan! A couple of things that you should be prepared for when volunteering here. The nights get very cold so be sure to bring thermals to make sure you don't wake from the cold at night. The room they provide get frosty (even for a Dutch girl like me).

7 meses atrás

Daniel respondeu

Yes friend, thank you for your support in school painting, in English classes, in psychological support for the girls.
God bless you, you sing impressively. We are looking for money to build the volunteer house.

El Salvador


Muy bonita experiencia, gracias x la oportunidad

8 meses atrás

Daniel respondeu

Que Dios le bendiga en todo amigo



Apliqué para el proyecto de construcción de una casa, pero tres días antes me dijeron que estaba en pausa. Acepté apoyar en otras cosas y, aunque no era lo que esperaba, disfruté las actividades, excepto lavar platos. Enseñé mate e inglés, ayudé en redes sociales y limpié la tienda Batz'. La familia y los maestros me hicieron sentir bienvenida. Recomendación/nota: -No hay agua caliente -Las porciones de comida son pequeñas -Sé proactivo y lleva registro de tus horas -No te sientas excluido por el idioma, el Español no es la lengua materna de la Sra Elena, pero se esfuerza por hablarlo.

1 mês atrás

Daniel respondeu

gracias ya esta arreglado, buena suerte



So in the beginning everything was friendly. From the beginning on the food rations were very small, but I accepted it At some point it became extremely strange -I got accused of an "attack" on costumer's of the shop, which never happend -I got denied food -I During a mother days fiesta in the school they wanted me to stay away of it -After confrontation Daniel admitted to me he rented out my room without telling me earlier and there wouldn't be any more food in the future -He told me some psycho stuff about god should help my soul It's a weird cult there. They don't keep their word

4 meses atrás

Daniel respondeu

I always talk about real things before starting work, because I believe that visitors have read the profile.
…….So in the beginning everything was friendly. From the beginning on the food rations were very small, but I accepted it ……
In my profile it is completely read that we only eat tortillas and a little food, that is why in Guatemala they call us men of mais, we only eat tortillas, also because of the economic situations of our family. And that's also in the profile. That's why we say that we are not a Restaurant. We told you that if you don't like the food you can cook your own and that we'll give you the stove. Or that you can eat in restaurants in town.
……….At some point it became extremely strange……..
It also appears in the profile, it says that we need support, we are not a company to give orders, there is a lot to do in the project, you can choose the job you want and what you plan to help with during the day, we call it Responsible Freedom. And at any time you can interrupt what you are doing and help with something more specific.
……..I got accused of an "attack" on costumer's of the shop, which never happend………..
We did not accuse you of attacking the clients, we asked you why you had run through the middle of the group of visitors, when we were exposing the benefits of the project within the community, and you told us that it was because you were going to get food, how bad it was. At that time you were asleep and you passed by without respecting the customers. There you made 2 big mistakes, first you are a volunteer and you know English, because you did not help with the translation or do some marketing of the products so that they understand our craftsmanship. As you realized, with the sale of crafts we do more education and instead of helping customers, you scared them.
…………-I got denied food……….
At no time did we deny you food, what we told you was to wait a little because there were some people who had paid for their food missing and if there was anything left over then we had to eat. Because the students paid for their food and their mothers' food was going to be served first. You were given food along with the students and you didn't want to wash your plate, you never washed your plate during your stay.
………..I During a mother days fiesta in the school they wanted me to stay away of it………
Work started that day at 6 am, we were all working, you continued sleeping until 8 am, you arrived when a man's hand was no longer necessary, everything was decoration. Work of female students. You were told, since we had nothing to do, to go down to the store and be there, because the person in charge of the store was cooking for the students and their mothers, and to let us know in case anyone came to visit our store.
…………After confrontation Daniel admitted to me he rented out my room without telling me earlier and there wouldn't be any more food in the future………..
No no no, there was no confrontation, after receiving your food you said that you were leaving the room for 3 days and that you would return until Monday or Tuesday, I didn't say anything to you and told you that it was fine. Then I understood that you don't understand the work of the volunteer, remember that every activity there is always a beginning where everything is fixed, and there is an end that is the most difficult, where everything is saved, and you left without helping us for that. ………..-He told me some psycho stuff about god should help my soul……….
As I told you, there was never such a personal confrontation, it's your imagination that makes you think like that.
You did not complete the 4 hours of work that it says in the profile,
Thanks friend, but we have volunteers with nicer comments than yours.

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Anfitrião: Daniel

Taxa de Resposta
Esse anfitrião costuma responder 70% das conversas
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2 vídeos publicados
Esse anfitrião possui 2 vídeos mostrando um pouco do local

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