OurChance School

Here some reasons why volunteers chose us to volunteer with:

~Welcome anyone as a part of our family members
~ Give something back to an organisation that has impacted on a person’s life, either
directly or indirectly
~Make a difference in the lives of others
~ Help others less fortunate or without a voice
~Help the environment
~ Feel valued and part of a team
~Spend quality time away from work or a busy lifestyle
~Gain confidence and self-esteem
~Learn about a new culture and country
~Satisfaction from accomplishment
~ Have fun by meeting volunteers from all over the world
~See a new culture from the inside and not as tourist
~Be immersed in the Indonesian language and culture
~See the difference you can make
~Challenging yourself, by trying something different

Our Chance is a Non Government Organization that works for the local people especially in Bajo, South of Sulawesi, Indonesia who wish to learn English, Farming and also traditional foods. It was started in September 2015 and now has 3 classes with 13-15 students in each class. As we believe that if we have something special to offer people, they will come by themselves, and therefore don’t do any advertising or promotion. Most students sign up through word-of-mouth of other students or parents, which shows what we are doing works and is well regarded in the community. In Bajo, our class is located in a gazebo built with volunteers from local bamboo. In Palopo, the lounge room has been converted into a classroom. These areas provide a small simple space for the students to learn English and environmental awareness in a fund and interactive way. It has been decorated with recycled plastics and volunteers paintings. Our goal here is to help the local community learn about English and the environment. This is a big challenge as most of the community still think that English, organic farm and traditional foods are not important.

Perfecto para ti si estás buscando

Contacto con la naturaleza

