Refugio de animales Las Galeras, República Dominicana

(9 reseñas)9

Help us take care of our animals =)

Ayudar a un proyecto sostenible
5 viajeros confirmaron que este anfitrión contribuye activamente a construir un futuro más sostenible para todos.
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Este anfitrión aprobó voluntarios recientemente y busca más solicitudes
Conéctate con viajeros internacionales
7 viajeros recomiendan a este anfitrión para conocer a personas de diferentes lugares del mundo
Conecta con la naturaleza
7 viajeros recomiendan esta experiencia para reconectar con la naturaleza desde un lugar más profundo
Admite parejas y dúos de voluntario
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Que ofreces


Horas por semana
Ayuda y colabora solo por algunas horas a la semana.
Cuidado de Animales
Ayuda a cuidar mascotas.
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Que obtienes


Días libres por semana
Un tiempo libre para explorar la cuidad o descansa un rato.
Habitación privada
Tendrás una cama en un cuarto privado. Sí, un cuarto solo para ti.
Tienes derecho a desayunos gratis cada día de tu estadía.
Utilice nuestra cocina equipada
Siéntete libre de usar nuestra cocina y preparar tu comida deliciosa.
Recibe ayuda del equipo de soporte Worldpackers si la necesitas en cualquier etapa de tu viaje.
Anfitriones verificado
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Protección WP
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Quédate al menos
3 semanas

La Experiencia

I have to leave the country for 2 weeks in order to renew my Belgium passport. There will be another person who will take care of the animals, but it would be nice if a 2nd person could stay as well. Animals (25 cats, 2 dogs & eventual horses) need to be taken care of full time so it would be possible than to take turns and enjoy. Beautiful beaches are just a few minutes away. Know that the cats are the most demanding animals here at my place.

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  • Inglés Principiante o Español Principiante
  • Entre 18 y 80 años
  • Admite voluntarios solos, parejas y dúos de voluntarios

Lo que no está incluído

Vuelos, Seguro de Viaje, Transporte Interno y Visa

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  • a) ¿Cómo fue tu experiencia con este anfitrión?
  • b) ¿Cómo fue tu rutina diaria?
  • c) ¿Cuánto gastaste en este viaje?

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Sea miembro

9 Reseñas


Anfitrión y Equipo


Horas y Tareas


Refugio De Animales


Aprendizaje y Diversión


Cómo esta experiencia te transformará

  • 7 Me conecté con viajeros internacionales
  • 7 Me conecté con la naturaleza
  • 4 Desarrollé mi conciencia social
  • 4 Desarrollé mi conciencia ambiental
  • 4 Me conecté con los habitantes
  • 4 Aprendí sobre sostenibilidad

Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible a los que contribuye este anfitrión

  • 4 6. Agua limpia y saneamiento
  • 4 15. Vida de ecosistemas terrestres
  • 2 5. Igualdad de género



La experiencia con Karin ha sido literalmente espectacular! Ella es una persona muy amable y gentil y hace una magnifica labor con los gatitos :-) Su casa es muy acogedora y se encuentra en un lugar muy lindo y relajante. Aconsejamos a todo el mundo de venir a ayudarle, el trabajo es ameno y los gatitos son la cosa más linda del mundo. Karin es muy paciente y siempre nos ha explicado todo con amabilidad y paciencia. Seguramente volveremos a su maravilloso refugio! Gracias por todo Karin, ha sido un enorme placer encontrarte y nos vemos pronto! Valentina y Sonia

hace casi 2 años

Estados Unidos


For my first trip ever, I was blown away by my experience. Karin is one of the kindest and most genuine people I have met. She made me feel welcome from my first step inside and it was clear that she deeply loves her animals and gives them an amazing life. I loved spending my mornings working with the cats and taking short breaks to cuddle up with them. I will miss them all dearly, but especially Julio, Stevie, Kitty, Lilith, Melanie, Charlie, Bobby, Tigre and Mona Lisa. The hostel itself is absolutely beautiful and truly felt like a home away from home for me. Thank you for everything Karin!

hace 4 meses

karin respondido

Thank you Paige.
We also miss you a lot. It was a real plesure having you here. Come back when ever you feel as.



Las Galeras is a beautiful place, La Hacienda is very near to the beach and the work at the shelter is quit simple.The rescue cats are very lovely and it's touching to see how Karin take care of them. I apologize because i was very rigid about my days off. the shelter site was written one day, and when i arrived, Karin told me that it was two days off, this has given rise to many misunderstandings and inconsistencies between us. We didn't talk that much. It was my first volunteer experience, so i recommand this place for a first volunteering experience.

hace 2 meses



This volunteering was simply incredible, we enjoyed our experience a lot and miss Karin, the cats and the place so much. Karin is someone truly kind, adorable and careful. The work she asked to do is simple, we had to clean the shelter, change their waters, and pet them. The cats are so cute, we liked to work by their side !! We honestly recommend this volunteering to you because the place and landcape are amazing, locals are so friendly and we enjoyed the culture there. It was a great experience, we hope our future volunteering will be as good as this one ! Thanks for all Karin 😊

hace 6 meses

karin respondido

Girls you where amazing. 2 sun in the house. I loved it having you both around and you took so good care of the Cathouse and the cats. Yes the cats also did miss you that was clear. I have been so lucky with having both of you here.
Hope one day to see you showing up at the gate.
But i'm very sorry...Bobby he is not available for adoption. Take care and don't change.



Our experience was incredible, it was our first volunteering and we enjoyed a lot ! Karin is a lovely woman, very kind. The hacienda is pleasant, situated 10 minutes walks from the sea. It's 40 minutes walk to go to Las Galeras but when Karin goes, she suggests that we come. The job with cats it's simple, we have to clean the shelter, change their waters, take care and pet them. Thank you so much Karin, we already miss you and the hacienda, we come back to France with beautiful memories.

hace 6 meses

karin respondido

Girls you where amazing. 2 sun in the house. I loved it having you both around and you took so good care of the Cathouse and the cats. Yes the cats also did miss you that was clear. I have been so lucky with having both of you here.
Hope one day to see you showing up at the gate.
But i'm very sorry...Bobby he is not available for adoption. Take care and don't change.

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Alojado por karin

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