Hotel Zell am See, Austria

(12 reseñas)12

Work outdoors in our garden with beautiful mountain views

Anfitrión Top
Este anfitrión recibe muchos worldpackers y tiene una evaluación media alta, siendo reconocido por la comunidad como Anfitrión Top.
Mayor posibilidad de aprobación
Este anfitrión aprobó voluntarios recientemente y busca más solicitudes
Conecta con la naturaleza
12 viajeros recomiendan esta experiencia para reconectar con la naturaleza desde un lugar más profundo
Conéctate con viajeros internacionales
10 viajeros recomiendan a este anfitrión para conocer a personas de diferentes lugares del mundo
Admite parejas y dúos de voluntario
Guardar en Lista de deseos

Que ofreces


Horas por semana
Ayuda y colabora solo por algunas horas a la semana.
Ayuda a limpiar la cocina, dormitorios, baños y áreas comunes.
Construcción y Reparación
Ayuda con varias tareas de reparación o construcción.
Ayuda a plantar y cultivar jardines.
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Que obtienes


Días libres por semana
Un tiempo libre para explorar la cuidad o descansa un rato.
Habitación compartida
Tendrás una cama en un cuarto compartido con otros viajeros.
Tienes derecho a desayunos gratis cada día de tu estadía.
Tienes derecho a cenas gratis cada día de tu estadía.
Internet Básica
Internet de velocidad básica para trabajar remotamente
Espacio de Trabajo Dedicado
Espacio específico para trabajar remotamente
Puedes usar libremente nuestra lavandería.
Hay un lugar especial donde se lava la ropa sin costo.
Recibe ayuda del equipo de soporte Worldpackers si la necesitas en cualquier etapa de tu viaje.
Anfitriones verificado
Este anfitrión ha sido verificado por nuestro equipo antes de unirse a la comunidad.
Protección WP
¿Algo ha sido diferente a lo acordado? Ponte en contacto con nuestro equipo.
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Quédate al menos
4 semanas
Quédate hasta
10 semanas

La Experiencia

We are ready to enhance and landscape our garden. When the garden is under snow for six months there is only a short time in which to do this. We will be laying new paths and making new flowerbeds and planting,weeding and painting .Ideally someone green-fingered with an eye for design would be great but not completely necessary. Must be able to use a strimmer

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  • Alemán Intermedio y Inglés Principiante
  • Admite voluntarios solos, parejas y dúos de voluntarios

Lo que no está incluído

Vuelos, Seguro de Viaje, Transporte Interno y Visa

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Hable con los que vivieron la experiencia

En nuestra comunidad, puede hablar con worldpackers que ya han colaborado con este anfitrión y obtener respuestas a sus preguntas.

Puedes preguntar cosas como:

  • a) ¿Cómo fue tu experiencia con este anfitrión?
  • b) ¿Cómo fue tu rutina diaria?
  • c) ¿Cuánto gastaste en este viaje?

12 Reseñas


Anfitrión y Equipo


Horas y Tareas




Aprendizaje y Diversión


Cómo esta experiencia te transformará

  • 12 Me conecté con la naturaleza
  • 10 Me conecté con viajeros internacionales
  • 9 Mejoré mi Inglés
  • 6 Me conecté con los habitantes
  • 5 Me sumergí en la cultura local.
  • 3 Desarrollé mi conciencia social

Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible a los que contribuye este anfitrión

  • 2 3. Salud y bienestar
  • 2 4. Educación de calidad
  • 1 10. Reducción de las desigualdades



It was my first trip and I was super nervous and scared, but when I arrived I already felt welcome and at home. They treated you as one of their own, also suggested what you could do in your free time and helped you if you had any questions. The place is great if you like skiing (in winter) and hiking or just be in nature. The work was manageable and what we agreed on. Thank you Alan and Mareaid:)

hace 23 días



My experience at the hotel was one of the best I've ever had! Since the very first day they welcomed you like one of their family, including you in family meals, trips, etc. Volunteering at the hotel I did not only gain experience in the hospitality business but also I had a great time meeting people that I'll treasure for the rest of my life! Also i had time to explore the area and get involved in activities such as hiking, etc. I can't recommend this place more! It's truly probably one of the best experiences you will get volunteering!

hace 3 meses

Alan respondido

Thanks Marcela . We were so happy to have you here . Your work ethic is exemplary . Any task that is asked of you is done efficiently ,in good time and to a high standard. Your willingness to learn made the whole process so easy . Also your ability to communicate with people and your friendliness towards others Staff and family is just perfect. You are a responsible and extremely diligent person and it was our pleasure to have you as part of the team.We will miss you. You are welcome to come back any time ,if not for work, just visit us anyway.



My stay at the hotel was by far one of the best experiences I've had to date. Máiréid and Alan made me feel welcome from the minute I arrived and treated me as one of their own. They were so helpful and accommodating and help me sort out many things for my stay. The work was enjoyable, manageable and fair and everyone their pulled their own weight. There was a good amount of free time and the chance to spend time in the alps and ski was incredible. I would highly recommend this experience.

hace 3 meses



Alan and Mairead are two lovely people, from the first day of my stay they have treated me as if I were one of the family and they have welcomed me perfectly. As for the stay at the hotel, it has been perfect, you can't put anything wrong with it because there isn't, on the other hand they recommended places to visit in the afternoons and on my days off. As for the work, it was very good and very bearable, I can't say anything else. Without a doubt one of the best experiences of my life and unforgettable.

hace 9 meses



I'm very thankful for this memorable experience. I had the greatest time in the hotel. Mairead and Alan are very good and welcoming people. They've been nice to me during all my stay, so I felt myself like in a family. Tasks were not hard, they respect your time and ensure you having a good time. The accommodation is very good, comfortable and clean. Moreover, it's an amazing and peaceful place, the nature is incredibly beautiful, even in the summer there are many entertainments, so you'll not be bored. I would definitely recommend to go there and see it with your own eyes.

hace 10 meses

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Sobre el anfitrión

  • Recientemente en linea

Alojado por Alan

Anfitrión Top
Este anfitrión recibe muchos worldpackers y tiene una evaluación media alta.
Tasa de respuesta
Este anfitrión suele responder al 50% de las conversaciones
Tiempo de respuesta
Este anfitrión suele responder en 4 dias
1 vídeos publicados
Este anfitrión tiene 1 videos que muestran un poco del lugar

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