Sítio/Fazenda Motoyama, Japão

(14 avaliações)14

Not a tourist spot. Experience country life in Kochi in Shikoku.

Ajude um projeto sustentável
4 viajantes confirmaram que este anfitrião contribui ativamente para a construção de um futuro mais sustentável para todos!
Maior chance de aprovação
Anfitriões que aprovaram voluntários recentemente e buscam por mais aplicações.
Conecte-se com a natureza
12 viajantes recomendam essa experiência para se reconectar com a natureza
Viva uma imersão na cultura local
12 viajantes recomendam esse anfitrião para quem procura viver uma imersão cultural local
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Como você vai ajudar


Horas por semana
Colabore com seu anfitrião por algumas horinhas.
Ajude a plantar, regar e cultivar jardins.
Trabalho social
Ajude comunidades locais.
Ajuda em Cultivos e Colheitas
Plante, semeie e ajude em tarefas do campo.
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O que você recebe


Dias livres por semana
Um tempinho livre para você curtir, explorar e descansar.
Quarto privado
Você terá uma cama em um quarto privado, ou seja, um quarto só para você
Você ganha almoço gratuito todos os dias que ficar aqui.
Internet Básica
Internet de velocidade básica para você trabalhar remotamente
Use nossa cozinha equipada
Fique à vontade para usar nossa cozinha para cozinhar sua própria comida.
Lavanderia gratuita
Você pode usar nossa lavanderia gratuitamente.
Bicicletas à vontade
Use nossas bikes à vontade, quando quiser.
Carona na chegada
Te buscamos na sua chegada a cidade e damos uma carona até aqui.
Receba ajuda da equipe da Worldpackers caso precise em algum momento da viagem.
Anfitrião verificado
Esse anfitrião foi checado pela nossa equipe antes de entrar na comunidade.
Proteção WP
Algo não saiu como combinado? Entre em contato com a nossa equipe.
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Fique pelo menos
1 semana
Fique até
4 semanas

A Experiência

This is a quiet and relaxing place. In exchange for your help, we offer the best possible service and handcrafted independent accommodation. Our friendly and relaxed approach leaves you with plenty of time and energy to enjoy your surroundings. Vegetable gardens, carpentry, forestry, sometimes helping with events and supporting small projects offer cultural exchange, diversity and fun. Let's make a page of memories in the countryside of Shikoku

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  • Inglês Intermediário ou Japonês Iniciante
  • Entre 26 e 80 anos
  • Recebe voluntários sozinhos (não aceita casal ou duplas)

O que não está incluso

Passagens, seguro viagem, transporte e visto

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Sugestão do que perguntar:

  • a) Como foi sua experiência no anfitrião?
  • b) Como era seu dia-a-dia?
  • c) Quanto gastou nessa viagem?

Exclusivo para membros

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14 avaliações


Anfitrião & Equipe


Horas & Tarefas


Sitio Fazenda


Aprendizado & Diversão


Como essa experiência vai te transformar

  • 12 Me conectei com a natureza
  • 12 Tive uma imersão na cultura local
  • 11 Desenvolvi minha consciência ambiental
  • 10 Aprendi sobre sustentabilidade
  • 9 Desenvolvi minha consciência social
  • 9 Me conectei com pessoas locais

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável que esse anfitrião contribui

  • 4 6. Água potável e saneamento
  • 3 14. Vida na água
  • 1 1. Erradicar a pobreza



Yoshinaga-San was my first world packer experience and I'm soooooo glad he was!! He exceeded all my expectations. Yoginaga-San supported me whenever I needed help or advice for the rest of my travels in Japan. Work flew by and he was always up for adventures and chats afterwards. He showed me some amazing places that really made my trip feel special. I can't recommend the Wind Family enough!!

2 meses atrás

Yoshinaga respondeu

Jade did a great job in the heat. Full marks, of course. It was a short time, but it felt like we were old friends. Jade's character captured my heart completely. At first glance, the positive aspects are emphasized, but her sensitivity, unseen sadness, love, and courage to keep moving forward. She is a very human woman. I'm sure spending time with her and talking to her will make you feel happy. I recommend her to everyone. Thank you, Jade!



I spent a week at Yoshinaga-san's place. In the mornings I would help out with the tomatoes and farming, and after that we did a lot of activities(hiking, kayaking, swimming in the river). Yoshinaga-san the farm very good , active and social person and I was lucky to meet him. We talked about many topics and shared our cultures with each other. I learnt a lot about sustainability and farming, about Japanese culture, religion, food and people. I will never forget this experience and will always be grateful to Yoshinaga-san for his hospitality!

2 meses atrás

Yoshinaga respondeu

What a coincidence! I was interested in Georgia when I received Natali's request. And she came to our farm. Her physical strength, intelligence, flexibility, kindness, precision... I was attracted to her beauty of heart more than anything. I am really glad that I invited her. I am very grateful. And I look forward to her future.ありがとう!!



The beauty of the place was eye and heart-catching, and this would not have been possible without Yoshinaga-san hospitality, eagerness and enthusiasm in introducing me to Motoyama's culture and environment. Due to his approachable and understanding nature, I was not afraid to consult him whenever I have questions. Work given was also diverse and not demanding. The Green Home the farm surrounded by nature's calling and located in the heart of Motoyama making it both convenient and tranquil. I will always look back at this journey with fondness and gratitude. Highly recommended!

4 meses atrás

Yoshinaga respondeu

She is an amazing activist. She explained everything to me in simple terms and understood almost everything about her work. It's really amazing.
All hosts should definitely invite her if she requests it. We both had a wonderful time. Thank you.
See you again someday.

Reino Unido


We volunteered with Yoshinaga-san for 1 week and had a great time. It was our first Worldpackers experience so we didn't know what to expect - Yoshinaga-san was a very generous host and was always very flexible. The work was varied and interesting and not too difficult! He taught us how to do each job clearly as well. Shikoku the farm beautiful island and if you love nature the farm the perfect place. The accommodation the farm simple but has all the luxuries you need. You can tell a lot of love has gone into designing it. We recommend!

5 meses atrás

Yoshinaga respondeu

Their 3 week trip to Japan. Thank you for coming to my farm for a week. It was their first time staying at a farm, so they must have been nervous.
But he did it without fear. That's wonderful.
They are two very friendly people. Neither of them was late for starting work. I think they are a serious couple.



I spent two weeks with Yoshinaga-san and we had intense activities in the field and connected with local people. I learned a lot about Wind Family's business model, as well as the host's history and way of thinking. The house the farm in the middle of the mountains and the weather was a little cold. I recommend taking coats during autumn and winter! I just suggest some improvements to the bathroom and shower facilities, but you will have great time at Motoyama city.

10 meses atrás

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Sobre o anfitrião

  • Recentemente Online

Anfitrião: Yoshinaga

Taxa de Resposta
Esse anfitrião costuma responder 90% das conversas
Tempo de Resposta
Esse anfitrião costuma responder em Menos de um dia

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