Hostel Ka'beh Cancun

Our volunteer position offers the best of both worlds: you get to enjoy the Hostel and our little corner of paradise as part of the team, but only work part time, and stay on-site just like our paying travelers.

We believe travel is fundamental to living a more fulfilled life, enriched by the perspective and invaluable experience that can only come from being surrounded by languages, people, nature, and cultures unlike your own__ It’s because of this, as a business, we’re committed to maintaining a team as culturally and linguistically diverse and balanced as possible. We believe in helping weary travelers coming through our doors have the experience of a lifetime, no matter what side of the reception desk they sit on, and doing everything we can to maintain the unique environment that our special hostel been known for since day one: an incredibly social environment.


(137 reviews)137

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Learning & Fun


United States


This was my first time using the world packers app and doing a work to stay Program. When applying for a position make sure you read thoroughly what you're applying for. I got the impression that everyone took turns doing different things but I didn't realize I actually signed up for maintenance when i didn't actually have the right experience for the position. Regardless, I was still able to complete my task after learning how and it was actually a truly humbling experience, Though next time I will make sure to sign up for position I would enjoy more. Also I met so many amazing people.

30 days ago



Mi experiencia en este hostel como mi primer voluntariado no pudo ser mejor. Si eres una persona que te gusta la fiesta, conocer a gente de otros lugares y culturas, aprender una gran cantidad de cosas... El hostal Ka'beh es para ti. Este mes ha sido una de las mejores experiencias que he vivido, y es que las personas que conoces aquí te marcan para siempre, así como la cultura de este pais y su gente. Volveria a repetir mi experiencia mil veces más, lo recomiendo mucho:)

about 1 month ago



Una experiencia increíble y sumamente enriquecedora, si vienes con una buena predisposición y con ganas de aprender este es tu sitio. El ambiente es inmejorable y la gente que me llevo de aquí son amigos para toda la vida.
He aprendido más en un mes aquí que en muchos años de vida, de verdad una experiencia que espabila y educa a cualquiera en muchos sentidos. Lo recomiendo a todas las personas q quieran salir de su zona de confort a conocer mundo. Me cocinaron rico, me cuidaron, me enseñaron cultura de muchos países y nunca me faltó un consejo ni un hombro donde apoyarme cuando lo necesité.

about 2 months ago



los otros voluntarios os recibieron bien, es una gran familia

about 2 months ago

Czech Republic


It was a pleasure to be a volunteer at Hostel Ka’beh, I literally felt like I was part of the family in just matter of few days. I definetely recommend this place to others!

about 2 months ago

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