Proyecto Oteri

This place is magic, is unique, is a real and autenthic native experience in total contact with mother earth.
This is an opportunuty to reconect with nature and to yourself.
helping the amazonian forest by reforesting is really important, thanks in advance for your interest on it.

We treat our volunteers as friends and part of our family. Wili is a native from the amazon, he dedicates his live to protect the forest and share his knowledge as a jungle man and maestro ayahuasquero, he heritaged the land and wisdom from his father, a medicine man. Wili likes to share the magic of his land with visitors, always trying to make them feel at home.


(8 reviews)8

Staff & Host


Hours & Tasks




Learning & Fun


United States


Living in Shintuya was a breath of fresh air from my regular lifestyle. There’s a lot of time to chill out so you can bring books or art supplies. Wili (the host) introduced me to other villagers. I loved playing with the local kids and dogs. He also made me medicinal tea when I was sick and was sensitive to my diet. Wili even brought me leaves that makes mosquito bites less itchy. He can tell you about every single plant and animal in the jungle. However, the language barrier was tough to overcome. I recommend doing a night hike so you can see exotic animals. It was an amazing experience!

over 1 year ago



Estuve 8 días en este voluntariado con mi pareja. El proyecto Oteri defiende el patrimonio natural y cultural de la comunidad Harakbut. Para mí, ha sido una satisfacción participar en este proyecto, pese a lo limitado de la estancia, una estancia superior habría sido más provechosa. Sin embargo he visto mejorable el aprovechamiento del voluntariado, había días que no realizábamos tareas más allá de las propias de la convivencia. Mis mejores deseos para Willy y Cori, dos personas excepcionales para un proyecto excepcional.

almost 2 years ago



La experiencia fue muy auténtica y con una inmersión cultural total. Willi y Qori son una pareja muy interesante, y nos contaron muchas historias de su cultura, medicina ancestral y sus etnias. Si buscas un voluntariado donde interactuar con gente local indígena y convivir con ellos día a día (cocinando, limpiando, recogiendo, construyendo, ...), reforestar la selva, pintar, alimentar a animales... es idóneo. Quizás como mejora, señalaría definir un poco más las tareas de voluntariado, las nuestras fueron muy diversas, y a veces no sabíamos qué tocaba hacer ese día. Gracias proyecto Oteri!

almost 2 years ago



Mi estadía en proyecto Oteri fue bonita y relajante. Lo recomiendo a todxs que buscan una aventura y la conexión con la naturaleza y tradiciones de la selva. La Chakra de Oteri es maravillosa, la gente del pueblo muy amable! Pero si eres una persona que necesita mucha estructura y confort podría ser un poco complicado :D

almost 2 years ago

United States


There was so much growth to be had from this experience! I was able to expand spiritually and personally along with meeting the most amazing people! Even though I am a beginner in speaking Spanish everyone was so eager to help me through each conversation and day! I left knowing so much more about myself, the love of family, community and gratitude! My heart is full through learning the culture of togetherness!
I’ve returned home with a more vivid view of life! Clear minded and ready to help my own community having more capability to receive and give my heart and soul!!

over 2 years ago

Perfect for you if you're looking for

Contact with nature

Contact with animals



