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Eco Village Asturias, Spain

(4 reviews)4

Agroecología y permaculture junto al río

Help a sustainable project
This host contributes to building a better and more sustainable future for all!
Connect with nature
2 travelers recommend this experience for reconnecting with nature
Connect with the locals
2 travelers recommend this host to have close contact with locals
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What you offer


Hours per week
Help out and collaborate with your host only a few hours per week.
Plant crops, sow seeds and help in outside tasks.
Help grow plants and cultivate gardens
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What you get


Days off per week
Have some time off for yourself, go explore the city or rest for a while.
You will sleep in a tent at a camping site.
You are entitled to a free breakfast, every day of your stay.
You are entitled to a free lunch, every day of your stay.
You are entitled to a free dinner, every day of your stay.
Use our equipped kitchen
Feel free to use our kitchen and make your own delicious food.
Permaculture Course
Take part in our Permaculture course for free.
Get help from the Worldpackers support team in case you need it, at any point of your trip.
Verified Host
This host has been verified by our team before joining the community.
WP Safeguard
Did something not go as planned? Contact our team.
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Stay at least
2 weeks

The Experience

Vivimos en una aldea junto a un río limpio. Doy bienvenida a viajeros motivados a participar en las tareas de huerta( sembrar, trasplantar, regar, desherbar, acolchar...) , limpieza de matorral en el monte para crear pastos, vaciar cuadras de estiércol, ir a por leña, construcción de cierres y cancelas, conservación de alimentos, pastoreo ovejas o ir a buscarlas cuando están muy lejos, ayuda en limpieza Casita de turistas.

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  • Intermediate Spanish or Intermediate English
  • Over 18 years old
  • Only hosts solo volunteers (doesn’t accept couples or partners)

What's not included

Flights, Travel Insurance, Internal Transportation and Visa

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Talk to those who have lived the experience

In our community, you can talk to worldpackers who have already collaborated with this host and get your questions answered directly.

You can ask things like:

  • a) How was your experience with this host?
  • b) How was your day-to-day routine?
  • c) How much did you spend on this trip?

4 Reviews


Host & Team


Hours & Tasks


Eco Village


Learning & Fun


How this experience will transform you

  • 2 Get in touch with nature
  • 2 Meeting locals
  • 1 Developing environmental awareness
  • 1 Meeting international travelers
  • 1 Learning about sustainability
  • 1 Practicing Spanish



My experience in mazo de mon thought me way more than I could have imagined, about strength, about sharing, about being open to teach and learn. Laura is an amazing hostess, a strong woman with a touch of fairy. I am truly thankful for everything. Is a place where you can get out of your comfort zone and be in touch with the real world. I hope the best for that place, and everyone I got to share, although for so little, so much .

over 5 years ago



Es un lugar con un paisaje increíble! Está inmerso en la naturaleza y para donde mires te sorprenden los paisajes. Laura y su familia te hacen parte de la misma desde el primer día. Compartir estos días con ellos fue una gran experiencia. Me sentí muy bienvenida. Les agradezco la oportunidad y espero volvamos a vernos!

7 months ago



Estive por um dia e para mim foi muito. A Laura foi super gente boa me tratou super bem!! Tivemos uma boa relação e não tenho do que me queixar em relação a ela. Em relação ao outro responsável, não me lembro o nome, não gostei nada da enerdia dele! A acomodação era a pior possível, me deixaram num celeiro sem nenhuma condição, a cama deveria ter uns 540 anos, o colchão deveria ter 1.80cm eu tenho 1.87cm, o celeiro não tinha porta, não havia banheiro, a cozinha era um ambiente insalubre, e não havia energia tbm. Quem for, saiba que vai estar incomunicavel na area da fazenda.

about 1 year ago

Laura replied

Felipe was a night and half a day in my farm. I ve been communicating by WhatsApp for a week I ve send him videos so that he understood were he was going and had a conversation explaining how things are here. Everything, no internet, live with basic comfort. I ve asked him to come with good shoes, and a few other things and he didn't. I ve pick him up in a village at 80km from the farm drove him in my free day to buy shoes, and once he arrived at the farm it was almost dark and he was so much in shock that he decided to not give it a chance, ok that can happen, I respect his choice so then I drove him out again till a hostel in the closest town.
My house needs some fixing yes, I m not rich, yes but there's nothing insalubre here, I ve raised helathy kids here, anyways
Is pathetic to defend myself about the prejudice of an stranger. So for next volunteers pray attention to my explanations , look my videos, ask, do not supose because is desgastant for everyone to have a bad experience for you and for me.A weist of energy and money.
And even more desgasting to get a bad review of someone that is totally out of context.... and that didn't even try.
Anyways this review world seems to function only when someone wants to be negative.
With 💕 Laura



La experiencia ha sido corta e INTENSA.rutina de trabajo:dura + la falta de comunicación,malas formas,ambiente tenso,tiempo de descanso escaso xqlas condicionesexigen estar activx contantement.Mi estadía fueinterrumpida porproblema de salud debido a falta de higiene donde dormía.Decidí irmeantes,situacion que les molesto y me lo hicieron notar.Ofrecieron otras alternativas pero era insostenible, p/mi integridad,quedarme(idem otro voluntario)Quiero rescatar del anfitrión su transparencia y recepcion c/ dialogamos.siendo sincera NO recomiendo la experiencia,la energía no termina de fluir.

almost 5 years ago

Laura replied

Querida Fernanda
Me sorprende y entristece la negatividad que transmite tu reseña. Durante los días que compartimos aquí no te mostrastes de este modo hacia nosotros. Entiendo que se debio a una question de timidez, cobardía o hipocresía.
El espacio que se te ofreció o para tu descanso estaba limpio. Estoy segura de ello. Tus picaduras se produjeron tras estar en contacto con cabras y ovejas en la cuadra o moviendo su estiércol. Obviamente tubiste una reacción alérgica. Ninguna de las otras 4 voluntarias que habia en ese momento ni nosotros teniamos algo parecido. Quizás por no querer molestar, no te comunicaste con rapidez suficiente de lo mal que te sentias y rascarse solo lo empeora mas. Nosotros Siempre pedimos a todas las voluntarias que se cambien de ropa antes de utilizar los espacios de descanso. No se si tu lo hiciste. No soy de las que busca culpables. Soy la primera interesada en mantener las instalaciones que ofrezco a los que venís limpias y en el mejor estado dentro de mis posibilidades. El buen descanso es basico.
Desde el momento en que expresaste tu gran incomodidad y malestar he mostrado gran empatia hacia tu estado y puse todos los medios a mi alcance para solucionar la situación. Te cambie de lugar por las dudas, te di ropa de vestir y de cama limpias, te ofrecí que te ducharas tantas veces como lo necesitaras, ofreci de llevar tu ropa a la labanderia, te di crema de calendula y cuando decidiste que preferias marchar me supo mal porqué contaba con tu colaboración y me parecias alguien competente. Únicamente lo expresé, pero respeté tu decisión evidentemente. Aun y asi te quedaste 4 o 5 dias más por tu propia voluntad, ya que se te ofrecio de acompañarte al bus el día en que tubiste una pequeña explosión nerviosa-emocional fruto del malestar que sentías fisicamente. No te lo reprocho. Lo entiendo. Despues de haber pactado que te marcharias antes de lo previsto y estar todos conformes, parecía a que te sentias algo mejor y mas relajada. No había malos sentimientos. Te dedicaste a cocinar ya que decias que te gustaba y pasamos veladas charlando junto al fuego. Te acompañamos al autobus y tomamos algo juntos para despedirnos... Entiendo que la situación no fluyo cómo todas hubieramos deseado pero intentar resolver, improvisar y adaptarnos a los imprevistos del camino no es algo que se hace para seguir adelante y crecer? EN POSITIVO.
Yo a mi perfil mencionaré que vivo en un medio donde pueden haber arañas, garrapatas, pulgas, abejas, mosquitos, culebras... Y otros bichos así que aquellas personas sensibles a picaduras o con tendencias alergicas que vengan preparadas o que me avisen para no exponerlas a actividades que les puedan perjudicar... O sencillamente que no vengan.
Ahora tu Fernanda sabes que eres alergica estos bichos indeseables. Pero yo no soy uno de ellos. Mucho amor y
Buen viaje!!!

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About the host

Hosted by Laura

Response Rate
This host usually answers to 100% of the messages
Response Time
This host usually writes back in Less than a day

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