Permaculture project Patrimônio da Penha, Brazil

(10 reviews)10

Venha nos ajudar a recuperar a mata na Serra do Caparaó

Connect with nature
5 travelers recommend this experience for reconnecting with nature
Learn about sustainability
5 travelers learned about sustainability working with this host
Accepts couples and pairs of volunteers
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What you offer


Hours per day
Help out and collaborate with your host only a few hours per week.
Kitchen Hand
Help prepare, finish and serve meals.
Help clean the kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms and common areas.
Help with changing the bed linens and general housekeeping.
Help grow plants and cultivate gardens
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What you get


Days off per week
Have some time off for yourself, go explore the city or rest for a while.
You will sleep in a tent at a camping site.
You are entitled to a free breakfast, every day of your stay.
You are entitled to a free lunch, every day of your stay.
You are entitled to a free dinner, every day of your stay.
Use our equipped kitchen
Feel free to use our kitchen and make your own delicious food.
Free Tours
We’ll take you on tours and rides around town. For free!
Free Hiking Tours
We’ll take you on excursions and hikes around town. For free!
Yoga classes
Take free yoga classes at our place.
Holistic Therapies
You can take part in any of our therapeutic activities for free.
Bikes at your disposal
You can use our bikes any time you want.
Get help from the Worldpackers support team in case you need it, at any point of your trip.
Verified Host
This host has been verified by our team before joining the community.
WP Safeguard
Did something not go as planned? Contact our team.
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Stay at least
2 weeks

The Experience

Venha fazer parte da nossa vida na roça, estamos focades em recuperar a mata, por meio de técnicas de agrofloresta e permacultura. Terra localizada próximo a Patrimônio da Penha na Serra do Caparaó. Num vale cheio de nascentes na beira do parque nacional. Venha se conectar com Mãe Terra e com o som ancestral que ecoa nas nossas veias.

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  • Beginner Portuguese or Beginner Spanish
  • Over 18 years old
  • Welcomes solo volunteers, couples, and partners of volunteers

What's not included

Flights, Travel Insurance, Internal Transportation and Visa

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Talk to those who have lived the experience

In our community, you can talk to worldpackers who have already collaborated with this host and get your questions answered directly.

You can ask things like:

  • a) How was your experience with this host?
  • b) How was your day-to-day routine?
  • c) How much did you spend on this trip?

10 Reviews


Host & Team


Hours & Tasks


Permaculture Project


Learning & Fun


How this experience will transform you

  • 5 Get in touch with nature
  • 5 Learning about sustainability
  • 5 Developing environmental awareness
  • 4 Creating true social impact
  • 3 Immersing in the local culture
  • 3 Meeting locals



Amei passar esse tempo com a Ari e o Sidarta, a experiencia é ótima pra quem quer se conectar com a natureza. O lugar é lindo, a comida é ótima e a Ari é super de boa pra se relacionar e combinar as tarefas e horários. Já estou morrendo de saudade de ouvir vocês tocando e cantando e do Sidarta me chamando pra brincar.

12 months ago



Aline e Rapha são incríveis! Foi uma honra conhecê-los e seu estilo de vida. Infelizmente ficamos apenas duas noites pois não nos adaptamos às condições devido a chuva, mas sem dúvida é um lugar mágico que o projeto a pena conhecer!

almost 3 years ago



Lugar incrivel!! Rafael, Aline e outros da comunidade que pude no breve periodo que estive e pude conhecer sao pessoas muito gentis. É incrivel a sustentabilidade e cuidado com a natureza deste lugar. É impressionante o conhecimento do Rafael sobre a natureza, o aconchego entre as montanhas e as vistas são impressionantes em todas as horas do dia. Gostaria de retornar e ter uma experiência mais longa em um futuro breve. Roots 🤘🏽🍃🏞️!!!!

almost 3 years ago



O lugar é incrível. No meio da Mata, com cachoeiras ao redor. Tudo que eu esperava!! A comida era uma delícia, e a oportunidade de contribuir no local me fez querer voltar. Muito obrigado Raphael e Aline.

about 3 years ago



Pessoal muito receptivo e de boas com tudo, você pode ir trabalhando na medida que seu corpo aguenta e eles dão apoio no que precisar, ótimas comidas e experiências que me ensinaram muito sobre permacultura.

about 3 years ago

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About the host

Hosted by ariane

Response Rate
This host usually answers to 0% of the messages

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